july 2005

letters from america

From :Edgar J. Steele

Bush said, "We are taking the fight to the enemy abroad so we do not have to face them here at home," and received a burst of applause.  He also noted that, "The best way to protect our citizens is to stay on the offensive."  More applause - at least, according to the official White House transcript.

Well, let me tell you a little about what's going on here at home, meanwhile, that seems to deserve such protection.

Recently, high school students in Goose Creek, South Carolina received a surprise visit from the local drug task force.   Police had been monitoring students via cameras mounted throughout the school and thought they saw suspicious conduct.   CBS News quoted Goose Creek police Lieutenant David Aarons as saying, "They know where the cameras are.  If they stand directly under them, the cameras don't look directly down."  Well, duh.  Lack of visible proof of innocent conduct via Big Brother Cam apparently now provides probable cause to believe a crime is being committed.

Did Lieutenant Aarons visit the school to  peek beneath the cameras for himself?  No.  Did the police take it up with parents or the School Board?  No.  Did they search lockers?  Well, yes, but only after mounting a full-on tactical-squad raid, during which students were forced to lie flat while police waved their guns threateningly and forcibly searched all kids present and all lockers.  Fourteen children who didn't move quickly enough to suit the police were handcuffed and made to kneel down.  No drugs ever were found, despite a phalanx of trained dogs set loose in the school's hallways.  Can't you just see Colonel, Lieutenant Aarons...glued to the monitors down at the squad room right now, growling and vowing to catch those criminals (our kids) in the act sooner or later?

This sort of police-state tactic increasingly becomes commonplace throughout a desensitized and obedient America already manhandled and abused at airport check-in counters.  What truly was remarkable about the video released to the local TV station was the obvious presence of a uniformed military officer at the South Carolina school raid, who never was identified and about whom not one word has been said in the controlled media.

Ever since all those women and children were murdered in Waco, Texas by their own out-of-control government, we repeatedly have seen American military men showing up at domestic confrontations.  This is the same military, by the way, that George Bush just told cheering Annapolis Naval Academy graduates is "taking the fight to the enemy abroad so we don't have to face them here at home."  Indeed.

What's more, Pogo was right when Walt Kelly used him to say that "We have met the enemy and he is us."  Chicken Little was right, too.  Like Winston Smith, George Orwell's leading character from his masterpiece, 1984, Pogo and Chicken Little were characters years ahead of their time.  Their time now has come, sad to say. 
Edgar J. Steele

Andy Stephenson
In Memoriam

All-time American patriotic "good guy" Andy Stephenson passed away on Thursday, July 7, 2005 at 6:27 EST/9:27 PST after a rather short but heroic bout with pancreatic cancer. The many thousands who understood his cause and who contributed to the cost of his operation proved the effect he was having upon citizens from coast to coast. It was their "thank-you."

A terrific friend to all patriotic Americans attempting to set the country back on the right course, Andy was passionate about corruption in the American voting system. So intense was his desire to prevent U.S. legislators from allowing elections to be "fixed," Andy set about channeling his life to affect real change by going from city to city explaining potential evils of the new electronic voting machines, i.e. continuous hacking and no paper trail for honest recounts. (The machines are now being forced on all 50 states) Andy demonstrated to countless audiences around the U.S.A. how connected modems could be used to hack the results of any election--making it impossible to throw Presidents, Senators and Congressmen out of office!

Having talked to Andy many times on the phone, he helped me with info for a few of my stories and I can tell everyone that Andy was an incredible researcher--one who was able to connect pieces of an investigative puzzle with ease. Moreover, Andy opened my eyes to the astonishing hypocrisy of the current administration with regard to pedophilia, homosexuality and the duping of "people of faith," using them for selfish electoral purposes. He mailed me countless court documents for two of my most widely read stories about Capitol Hill pedophilia. Andy, you packed a lot of life into your 42+ years. And I have a feeling all Americans "in the know" will join me in asking God to bring us someone else like you who will pick up your flag for "honest elections," even if it takes a second straight presidential impeachment (and hopefully removal in handcuffs with a prison term) to cleanse America of pre-emptive war, an obvious "false-flag" 9/11 attack, millions of illegal aliens and stolen trillions from the U.S. Treasury which is destroying America economically.
...Yes, your Spirit now flies for all of us...
May the Lord bless you, Andy--and may you rest in peace.
Your friends,
Tom Flocco and "WHITESTAR"