A Glimmer of Hope, A State of All Its
Citizens, by Yakov M. Rabkin
Yakov M. Rabkin is a Professor of History at the
University of Montreal. His publications include
two books: Science between the Superpowers and
Interaction between Scientific and Jewish
Cultures. E-mail: yakov.rabkin@Umontreal.CA
When the Sharon government refused to receive
a UN panel to investigate the violence in Jenin
May, Foreign Minister Peres termed the very
intention to start such an inquiry "a blood
libel against
the Jewish people." This statement was made
against the background of mounting anti-Jewish
incidents around the world, all of them immediate
fallout of the violence in Israel/Palestine.
not-so-innocent goal was to emphasize the common
fate shared by Israel and the Diaspora in order
to suggest that diaspora Jews who disagreed with
Israeli policy were being traitors to their
Yet this connection between the Diaspora and
Israel also reflects the obvious, but rarely
acknowledged, fact that Israel itself has become
the main danger to the welfare of the Jewish
As early as 1948, the political philosopher
Hannah Arendt warned:
"Even if the Jews were to win the war
the 'victorious Jews' would live surrounded by an
hostile Arab population, secluded inside ever
threatened borders, absorbed by physical
And all this would be the fate of a nation
thatno matter how many immigrants it could
absorb and how it extended its
boundarieswould still remain a very small
people greatly
outnumbered by hostile neighbors."
Her prophecy has sadly come true. The State of
Israel has faced incessant violence since its
proclamation. Demographically, Israel's Jewish
population is and will remain a tiny minority
facing the rapidly growing Arab masses, 40
percent of whom are today below the age of
fifteen. An island of wealth facing an ocean of
poverty, Israel is condemned to live by the
sword if the Zionist structure remains intact. To
survive even in the short term, Israel will
continue to need significant population inflows
from abroad. But even if all the Jews of the
world were to move to Israel, this would only
delay the showdown with its more numerous
and mostly hostile neighbors.
We must admit that structurally, i.e.
independently of the impact of particular
policies, the
interests of Israel and of the Diaspora are at
loggerheads. Israel was created inter alia, to
offer the Jews physical safety. Today the State
of Israel adversely affects the physical safety
of the Jews, both within its borders and
elsewhere. In spite of the might of Israel's
forces, Israel is the only place in the world
where a Jew can be killed just for being a Jew.
Today the life of a Jew is in greater danger in
Jerusalem or Tel Aviv than in Paris or Berlin
or even in Damascus or Tehran.
Moreover, the chronic conflict engendered by the
establishment of the State of Israel has
spread waves of Jew-hatred to most Muslim and
Arab nations. The current intifada ignited
sparks of anti-Semitism in many parts of the
world, including Western Europe, which had been
free of anti-Semitism for several decades.
Indeed, the chronic character of the
conflict was an important, albeit not the only,
cause of September 11. This observation does
not apportion blame or justify terrorism; it
simply states an obvious, albeit little
connection between the creation and perpetuation
of Israel as a Jewish nation-state and the
unprecedented spread of regional violence to the
rest of the world. Rwandans, Bosnians, or
black South Africans did not spread violence to
other parts of the world. Palestinians,
frustrated by their fight against Israel, did.
It is not only our physical safety, but also our
moral sensitivity, that has been adversely
affected by the creation of Israel against the
will of the ambient population. The never-ending
bloody violence has numbed our sense of
compassion, one of the three defining qualities
that the
Talmud attributes to the Jewalongside
timidity and propensity to do good (BT Yevamot,
It was painful to hear Paul Wolfowitz, one of the
most pro-Israel members of the American
administration, booed by thousands of Jews
assembled in Washington last April when he dared
mention "innocent victims among the
It would be a folly to mortgage the future of
world Jewry on the fragile State of Israel. A
violent demise of this valiant remnant of
European nationalism in the Middle East could
spell a
disaster for Judaism and the Jews. Diaspora Jewry
must acknowledge that it finds Israel's
militancy, callousness, and chutzpah repugnant, a
far cry from the values of Judaism. Instead of
blindly supporting the Zionist ideal of a
nation-state for Jews, we should reconsider the
best course
for preserving and strengthening Jewish life in
both the Land of Israel and the Diaspora. It is
early to define the place reserved for the State
of Israel and for Zionism in history. While for
many Jews the desirability of the State of Israel
constitutes an article of faith, this new faith
in an
ethnic state is not unshakable. It is hard to
justify the State of Israel as a tool to enhance
spiritual and material welfare of the Jews and,
particularly, to offer them a sense of physical
As violence continues, we should find the courage
to ask: Was the idea of a Jewish state a viable
one? Is it not the very nature of the State of
Israel as a state for the Jews that fuels and
perpetuates the conflict?
Opposition to Zionism
The most principled criticism of the Zionist idea
has come not so much from Arab writers as from
Jewish scholars who have opposed the idea of a
Jewish state for over a century. The Zionists
viewed the Jews as a nation in the modern
European sense of the word. In reaction to
nineteenth-century theories of race (theories
which ultimately led to Nazism), Zionism based
definition of the Jew on biological provenance,
and sought to become what one European rabbi
called "a purely nationalist-racist movement
without the least commonality with
religion." Most
rabbinical authorities reacted to the emergence
of Zionism in the late nineteenth century with
undisguised hostility. Prior to the establishment
of the Jewish State, rabbis and scholars
objected to the political appropriation by the
Zionists of spiritual concepts such as
"Zion," or "Land of Israel."
Zionism postulates that Jewish history is
essentially a sequence of expulsions, massacres,
and forced
conversions. According to this view, the Shoah is
the ultimate proof of the untenability of Jewish
diasporas, rather than a unique tragedy
interrupting the progression towards a more
tolerant and
pluralistic society. Most Zionists see no
intrinsic value in maintaining Jewish continuity
beyond the
borders of Israel. For them, the traditional
model of autonomous diasporas possessing a common
spiritual focus has largely given way to a
center-periphery model with the State of Israel
political, administrative, and representative
functions of a center with respect to diaspora
Consequently, Israeli policies often convey
the impression that Israel represents Jews from
countries. Political use by Israeli leaders of
the Judaic term "the People of Israel"
(Am Yisrael)
tends to blur distinctions between Israeli and
diaspora Jews, presenting the latter as
away from the country." Israel has
domesticated diaspora leaders to the extent that
they now act
as lobbyists for Israel rather than as
representatives of Jews. For many of these
leaders, Zionism
has replaced Judaism as a religion.
The characterization of the Jewish people in
terms of ethnicity and, particularly, the attempt
cast Israel as a secular European nation-state
designated as the home for that ethnic group,
a major departure from Jewish tradition. Since
the Diaspora began twenty-five centuries ago, the
Jewish tradition has defined Jews as a nation
only in the senseand to the
extentthat Jews
remain loyal to Torah. According to the tradition
(solidly based on scriptural evidence), there is
little meaning to a Jewish nation without
Judaism. Just as the Muslim concept of umma is
based on
the loyalty to the Koran and transcends
boundaries of nation-states, the Jewish concepts
of umma,
Am Yisrael, or Kelal Yisrael refer to communities
that have the Torah as their common denominator;
they are not confined to any particular
territory, let alone to a nation-state.
As for the Land of Israel, the Torah posits that
the land is entrusted to the Children of Israel
only if
the Jewish people live up to the standards
enunciated in the Torah: to practice morality, to
justice, and to obey certain agricultural rules.
The nature of our relationship to the Land of
Israel is
therefore different from that of other nations to
their respective motherlands. Unlike the images
common in other cultures, Israel is not a mother
who would welcome her son whatever his misdeeds.
Rather, Israel is portrayed as a bride who can
reject her partner (or even, in Leviticus 18:28,
a land
that can "vomit its inhabitants") if
she disapproves of his behavior. The best known
part of the
Jewish prayer book is, perhaps, Shema Israel.
This is what we read when we recite it three
a day: "Beware! Lest you let your heart be
seduced, go astray, and worship alien deities and
down to them. Then, the Divine anger will be
awakened, and he will block the sky and there
will be
no more rain. The Land will not yield harvest,
and you will disappear from the good land that
gives you." The link that the Jews have with
the Land of Israel is therefore contractual
rather than
organic. It is contingent on their loyalty to the
Torah, and this can be seen in many synagogues on
the day of Shavuot (Pentecost), when a special
marriage contract drawn between the Jews and the
Torah is read for all to hear.
In line with this idea of contract, the Jewish
tradition attributes the exile of the Jews from
the Land to
their abandoning Torah commandments. The
tradition does not view Jews as hapless victims,
rather as makers of their own fate. Maimonides
and other classical sources indicate that the way
back to the Land of Israel is Teshuvah, i.e.
repentance and return to the commandments. Since
reason for exile is not attributed to the
superior strength of the Roman legions, the
redress for exile
is not and should not be sought in developing a
mightier army. In fact, the Talmud
(BT Ketubot, 111a) refers to oaths that the Jews
were to swear prior to their second exile, in
they are enjoined not to rebel against the
nations and to re-occupy the Land of Israel by
Given this tradition, some Judaic scholars see
Israel's military exploits not as a sign of
messianic redemption but rather as a blasphemous
act of rebellion.
Opposition to Zionism has not disappeared since
the time when Zionism was a minority movement
shunned by most Jews. Most principled opposition
continues to come from certain Hasidic groups,
centered in Jerusalem and New York. They believe
that the Zionist state, born in sin for which it
never repented, has no legitimacy in terms of
Jewish history. They believe that Jews had lived
in the
Land of Israel before the state, and they will
remain there after it comes to an end. According
them, the State of Israel is an impediment to the
messianic redemption. While most Mitnaggedim
(non-Hasidic Jews) take a less militant position,
they also reject the legitimacy of the State of
According to the editor of the newspaper Yated
Hane'eman: "Our participation in the state
and its
institutions is performed due to the pressures of
the time and the force of circumstance, similar
our behavior under foreign regimes outside of the
land. It may be defined as stealing into the
camp." It is no wonder that the late Rabbi
Eliezer Schach reportedly prayed daily that the
State of
Israel should disappear without harm befalling a
single Jew. It is quite significant that the main
of Bnei Brak, the citadel of traditional Judaism
in Israel, was recently renamed from Herzl Street
Rabbi Schach Street.
Uses of Violence
"In the long run," wrote Arendt when
the idea of a Jewish state became dominant in
Zionist circles in
the mid 1940s, "there is hardly any course
imaginable that would be more dangerous, more in
of an adventure
It will not be easy either
to save the Jews or to save Palestine in the
century: that it can be done with categories and
methods of the nineteenth century seems at the
most highly improbable." Indeed, Israel's
attempts to suppress Palestinian resistance,
which provoke
worldwide protests today, would have been
perfectly acceptable to European nations of the
nineteenth century. The Zionists' refusal to
heed the prognosis about the durability of Arab
to the Jewish state may be seen as "a
triumph of the will" or, conversely, as a
major failure. Jews
used to believe in the power of their ideas,
unsupported by material power. It appears that
nowadays Israeli leaders cling to material power
for want of ideas.
It is often said that Herzl's vision of a state
for the Jews came to life in spite of an
terrain and the implacable hostility of the local
inhabitants. However, it may well be that it is
precisely this implacable hostility that forged
the new Hebrew nation in Palestine. Since the
Zionists discarded the Jewish religion as a
common denominator of the ingathering exiles, a
shared "fear of the Arabs" became the
ultimate factor of national unity. Resorting to
as the primary tool of forging "the new
man," Zionists made consistent ideological
use of the
military conflict, a natural consequence of their
self-serving vision of Palestine as "a land
without a people for a people without a
When Jewish babies are killed in the West Bank or
Gaza, most Israelis are outraged.
However, more than a few also wonder what kind of
parents would endanger their children
by keeping them in Hebron or Netsarim. This
sacrificial rite is beginning to awaken doubts
as to the very nature of the State of Israel,
which had caused hundreds of human sacrifices
from Jews and their neighbors well before it was
established, and tens of thousands since.
Was it wise to establish it? Is it worth
defending with heavy sacrifices? These questions,
unimaginable in other countries, are hardly
rhetorical in Israel. But it is a fact that the
of the Jews, on whose behalf the State of Israel
was ostensibly established, enjoy more tranquil
lives elsewhere and are reluctant to join their
brethren in Israel, and not only because of fear
wars. Zionist discourse has convinced many
diaspora Jews that it is Israel that ensures
safety and welfare from far afield. This is an
erroneous and dangerous belief. Erroneous
because it ignores the structural conflict of
interests between Israel and the Diaspora, and
belittles the progress of human rights that makes
Jews equal and active citizens of their
Dangerous because it lures diaspora Jewry into a
mental and a physical trap.
Residual nostalgia for Zionist exploits largely
explains many Israelis' reluctant approval of the
settlers, whom they tend to admire from afar. The
settlers are indeed "the last
Zionists," whose
messianic fervor is genuine and impressive. They
are "the tail that wags the dog," that
the retention of the territories the main
preoccupation of successive Israeli governments.
settlement momentum is intrinsically expansive,
since it relies on religious determinism that
deifies the State and sanctifies the Occupation.
The settlers accuse those who argue that the
conflict can be solved by evacuation of the West
Bank and Gaza of hypocrisy. They claim
that there is no moral difference between Jewish
settlement in Hebron and in Tel Aviv. And it
appears that this view is gaining ground. Why
should one rid Hebron of Jews but leave them in
Jerusalem's neighborhoods of Katamon or Baka,
which used to be no less Arab prior to 1948?
Why should one oppose Israeli occupation of
Hebron and condone the destruction of an Arab
village, replaced by the University of Tel
Avivnowadays, ironically, the citadel of
and pacifism? If Jewish settlement is
illegitimate in Gaza why is it legitimate in
Jaffa or Haifa?
Such questions convey a powerful message: We are
all in the same boat. They argue that the
legitimacy of the entire Jewish presence in the
Land of Israel is in jeopardy once you start to
examine its recent record carefully. This polemic
strategy, aided by the sense of physical
insecurity, keeps large segments of the Israeli
population hostage to fear. Yet it also
contains a certain truth.
Embarrassment and Double Standards
Israel's military operations, particularly
against civilians, have embarrassed Jews both in
and in the Diaspora for many decades. Since
Israel promotes itself as the representative of
Jews, and most diaspora Jewish leaders
enthusiastically support this claim, the State of
Israel is
often associated with Jews everywhere. Jews
outside of Israel are thus put in a difficult
of defending the morally indefensible, of bending
their ethical standards in order to justify
actions in Bethlehem, Jenin, or Beirut. Indeed,
Israel routinely, and perhaps inevitably for any
state, acts against the morality embodied in
Judaism. At the same time, since there is nothing
but Judaism that distinguishes diaspora Jews from
their fellow citizens in different countries,
this blanket defense of Israel seriously
discredits Judaism.
Conceptual disparities between Israel and the
Jewish diasporas become more pronounced
since the countries with sizable Jewish
communities have all adopted a liberal system of
and political values. It is quite common in
Israel to talk in anti-liberal, anti-democratic
terms; for
example, there are public discussions about
building Jewish neighborhoods or settling Jews in
the Galilee so that Arab citizens do not
outnumber their Jewish compatriots in the region.
official documents routinely identify the bearer
as a Jew or a non-Jew. Structural segregation
of Jews from non-Jews is common in Israel. So is
occupational discrimination, all of which is
justified by the Herzlian denomination of Israel
as a state for the Jews.
However, in the context of Western societies, it
would be inconceivable to practice ethnic or
religious discrimination in such a manner. One
could imagine an international outcry if the
National mayor of a French town were to promote a
public housing development designated
solely for Catholics. One of Israel's dailies
wryly observed that Le Pen would be considered a
bleeding-heart centrist in the Israeli political
spectrum. Israel's discriminatory practices,
while often
opposed by the country's Supreme Court, conflict
with the liberal values that underpin the
and welfare of Jewish diasporas around the world.
It is only a matter of time before diaspora
leaders, at least those who overtly identify with
the State of Israel, will face the challenge of
explaining their obvious double standard.
The primacy of the State is a dangerous belief to
hold. A few decades after the Shoah, Jews
remember what happens when the raison d'état
becomes a transcendental principle that
individual morality. It may be illusory and even
dangerous to confuse the profane centrality of
Israel with the sacred centrality of the land; in
order to affirm the first aspect one has to
reject or
distort the second one, and vice versa.
A garrison state inhabited by a desperate
population and armed with nuclear weapons faces
danger of a regional, perhaps a world war.
Zionism has brought about an unending
with Palestinian Arabs. This cycle of violence
has become a serious threat: it may spell the
demise of the State of Israel and, more
importantly, a spiritual and psychological crisis
Judaism. As some foresaw over fifty years ago, it
appears increasingly unrealistic to preserve
"the state for the Jews," an
adventurous idea to begin with, against the
violent opposition of the
Palestinians, whose nationalist dispossession by
the Zionists remains at the root of the conflict.
course, Israel's army is capable of defeating the
Palestinians, but such a "victory"
would not bring
peace any closer. Many Israeli generals have
learned this the hard way, and, once in
openly decry the use of force in settling the
Israel/Palestine conflict.
Out of the Impasse
The military gains of the last fifty years seem
to evaporate as the situation on the ground
the Jordan and the Mediterranean reverts to 1948,
when an ethnic conflict for the control of the
intensified between Jews and Arabs. In 2002, just
as in 1948, there is no clear concept of national
borders, and it is ethnic rather than political
factors that play most potently in the entire
area. A
growing number of Israel's Arab citizens identify
with their Palestinian brethren while the State
Israel often treats Arab Israelis as if they were
enemy aliens. The euphoria that followed victory
the Six-Day War, and which seemed to vindicate
the Zionists' vision and practice, has vanished
After decades of conflicting nationalist efforts
from both sides, it is the entire area from the
to the sea, not just the West Bank and Gaza, that
requires a solution. New Jerusalem suburbs of
or East Talpiot, Jewish cities of Ariel or
Emanuel built on the lands conquered in 1967, are
different from cities in Israel proper. Their
evacuation in an eventual territorial settlement
would be a
human drama of major proportions.
"Transferring" Arab population into
Jordan and Egypt, an option
accepted by about one-half of Israelis, would be
equally cruel, senseless, and probably
The partition or separation that some Israeli
policy-makers, including former Prime Minister
Barak, continue to support is no longer feasible
since Jews and Arabs are too interspersed across
the entire disputed territory.
The frustration of the Palestinian Arabs, who are
deprived of most avenues of political expression,
has naturally developed into a fixation on
national independence à l'israélienne. Yet
nation-statea Palestinian state on the West
Bank and Gazamay only cause more pain and
Dismantlement of settlements, forced transfers of
population and other usual appurtenances of
establishing nation-states in ethnically
heterogeneous areas would likely ensue. Rather
than a new
nation-state, a liberal political structure based
on citizens' equal rights and, consequently,
self-interest, may have more chances to succeed.
Israelis of very different political views, such
as the nationalist Moshe Arens, a former defense
minister, and the more conciliatory Meron
Benvenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem,
that separation of the Jews from the Palestinians
is just a myth that regularly comes to the
after major acts of terror. In the same sense,
surveys show that Israelis and Palestinians
expect to
maintain strong economic ties. Moreover,
conflicts are easier to settle between neighbors
between nations.
Abrahamia: An Alternative to Ethnic
One promising arrangement could be a
confederation of independently governed areas or
to be established in the territory between the
Jordan and the Mediterranean. Abrahamia
(or Ibrahimia) may be a good name for the new
confederate state since it would recall an
important common ancestor recognized by Muslims,
Christians, and Jews. Such a state could be
modeled after Canada or Switzerland. Good use
could be made of elements of the Ottoman rule,
which had managed diversity and preserved peace
in the region far better than most of its
states (be it Serbia, Turkey, Israel, or
Lebanon). Democratic confederate structures tend
moderate ethnic or national tensions. Abrahamia
could consist of cantons sovereign in matters of
culture, education, worship, internal security,
and local law. Such a structure would also enable
Orthodox Jews and secular Hebrews, whose
relationship is also profoundly acrimonious, to
their lives according to their customs and
beliefs, without the irritating interventions of
the state.
Foreign affairs, defense, monetary matters, and
communication would be entrusted to a
confederate government elected by all citizens.
The sensitive issue of defense could be resolved
by stages. During the first years the armed
forces should remain mostly under the control of
Jewish cantons since Jews, not Arabs, have been
threatened with the prospect of being
into the sea" by neighboring countries. But
the army, a bulwark against foreign aggression,
be prohibited from being used as a police force
within the confederation. Cantonal police units
and a nominal confederate police, initially aided
by an international contingent, should maintain
public order and ensure peaceful relations
between diverse cantons. As memories of the
past recede into historyand this may take
less time than many imaginethe defense
should fully incorporate all citizens.
The Law of Return, which now allows any Jew in
the world to become a citizen of Israel upon
arrival (and sometimes even before), should be
broadened to include Palestinian Arabs who
would be entitled to reclaim their homes or
obtain compensation for lost property. To do so,
lands held by the Jewish National Fund, over 90
percent of the total territory, should be sold
without discrimination to Jews and Arabs.
Compensation for lost property would constitute a
major source of funds to help Arabs buy real
estate and reduce the existing development gap
between the two groups. Economic disparities fuel
violence no less than nationalist passions,
but when the economic divide coincides with the
ethnic one, violence is simply unavoidable.
Income gaps must be bridged for such a
confederation to take root. Just as a German may
freely buy a property in Alsace after thousands
died in wars disputing that territory, a
Arab should acquire equal rights and obligations,
and be free to settle wherever he can rent or
legally acquire property. This will give him,
currently the most disenfranchised, a real stake
in the
success of the confederation.
Similarly, those Jews who consider it a religious
commandment to populate the entire Land of
Israel should be free to settle anywhere between
the Jordan and the sea, by legal means of course
and without any special privileges. For this to
happen, individual safety and individual rights
citizens should become the main priority of the
new federation.
The majority of secular Israelis who simply want
"to be a free people in our land" (as
anthem now puts it) can continue to live
"Israeli style" in their cantons.
Confederate authorities
should do nothing to ensure their Jewishness,
since matters of worship and education will be
exclusive privileges of the constituent cantons.
Such an arrangement will not only alleviate the
conflict between Jews and Arabs, it will also
eliminate the tension that the State of Israel
fomented trying to subject its Jewish citizens to
the strictures of religious law.
Details of such a confederation may take a while
to work out, and even longer to implement.
At this point it is a suggestion, an outline of
an idea that breaks the cycle of ethnic
and ends the bloody zero-sum game. It is
important to move Israeli and Palestinian
thinking away from the notion of nation-state
towards the concept of confederation, an idea
was quite popular in both camps prior to 1948,
and, according to recent surveys, is still
among many Palestinians.
A Role for World Jewry
After five decades of exasperating conflict in
the Middle East, world Jewry can play a major
role in transforming the current situation along
the proposed lines. Many Western Jews have
been active for years in diverse rapprochement
activities that bring Arabs and Hebrews,
Muslims, Christians, and Jews together. They run
joint prayer sessions and interconfessional
discussions, even a joint Jewish-Muslim program
to teach tolerance on the basis of respective
religious texts. European and American Jews have
brought expertise, commitment, and
even-handedness to a number of non-governmental
projects that foster understanding and
respect of difference. Most of these joint
activities have survived the current upsurge of
violence, which in itself is a sign of their
success. Jewish academics, businesspeople,
psychologists, rabbis, and social workers from
various countries have helped the cause of
tolerance in Israel for years, and their role, as
well as that of members of the Palestinian
diasporas, can only gain in importance in the new
Diaspora Jews should help transform the
structurally fragile State of Israel into a more
and viable political configuration. They should
make their real voices heard in the European
Union, Russia, and the United States. The vast
majority of Jews are citizens of these political
entities, which gives their governments more than
a geo-strategic interest in settling the
Arab-Israeli dispute. These governments,
particularly when encouraged by their respective
Jewish communities, could try to convince the
Israeli public to transform the nation-state and
territories it occupies into a confederation that
would ensure the safety of all its inhabitants.
They can also make it clear to the Palestinians
that such a confederation, rather than a
nation-state criss-crossed by Israeli highways,
is in their best long-term interest. The
of making this conceptual shift is substantial.
But it must be met in order to free our thinking
the murderous nationalist stranglehold.
At the same time, measures shall be devised to
offer Israeli Jews a refuge in various diasporas.
The feeling that they have nowhere to go, that
Israel is the last frontier, that only Israel can
offer Jews physical safety, has fuelled despair
not only among Israeli Jews but also among many
Jews who choose to remain in the Diaspora. These
are vestiges of Zionist myths that have to
be reassessed in pragmatic, rather than
ideological, terms. The possibility of a major
flare-up, perhaps including weapons of mass
destruction, together with the current terrorist
violence may push many Israeli Jews to look for
refuge elsewhere. It would be tragically
irresponsible of Jewish communities to insist
that Israelis should fight to the bitter end.
governments that are most likely to offer refuge
to Israeli Jews must understand that, by
offering a choice to Israel's Jews to rebuild
their lives in their countries, they reduce the
of despair and weaken the incentives for violence
in the region.
A two-pronged approach, on the one hand
encouraging the transformation of the
nation-state of
Israel into an Abrahamia based on equality of
opportunity and, on the other hand, offering
Jews an option of settling in other industrial
countries, is likely to reduce violence and to
encourage stability. It will weaken one of the
most enduring conflicts of our age and will help
restore Judaism as the focus of Jewish existence.
Interminable (and sterile) discussions of the
latest political and military moves in Israel
dominate the daily experience of most Jews. This
should cease, leaving Jews the peace of mind to
face important issues of Judaism that have been
eclipsed by news bulletins from the Middle East.
The Jewish return to history on-board a tank
has only endangered Jews, in body and in spirit.
Shedding nationalist illusions of power should
enable Jews to focus on another kind of return to
history: a return to the Torah with its manifold
interpretations and hope for all humanity. If we
believe the Jewish tradition, this will also be
best way to ensure Jewish presence in the Land of
Ehud Sprinzak Jun 27, 2005
A day after the election, Kahane and his
supporters held a victory parade to the Western Wall in
old Jerusalem. Passing intentionally through the Arab
section of the old city, Kahane's excited followers
smashed through the market, overturning vegetable stalls,
hitting bystanders, punching the air with clenched fists
and telling the frightened Arabs that the end of their
stay in the Land of Israel was near.
"Stereotypes and Prejudice
in Conflict: Representations of Arabs in Israeli Jewish
Society" by Yona Teichman and Daniel Bar-Tal,
Cambridge University Press, 483 pages, $68
Prof. Yona Teichman, a clinical
psychologist from Tel Aviv University (TAU), has devised
a method for tracing the development of stereotypes on
the basis of children's drawings. Her findings are
surprisingly similar to studies in the United States on
prejudice toward blacks. Among preschool children, the
stereotypes are the most vivid. Even before they know
what an Arab (or a black) is, they have absorbed the
negative cultural vibes, regardless of family background
or socioeconomic status. So much so that even the sound
of the word "Arab," compared to
"Frenchman," for example, evokes a powerful
negative reaction.
Children hear and absorb these attitudes at a very young
age. As they develop cognitively, they have access to a
broader range of information and their views grow more
complex. Cracks begin to appear in the stereotype and as
the child gets older, the picture becomes less one-sided.
That is the good news. The bad news is that it is very
difficult, if not impossible, to erase these first
impressions altogether. The studies show that even
liberal adults with moderate views retain the negative
stereotype in the back of their minds, even if they do
not admit to it.
Fifty-five percent of the subjects from all age groups
said their ideas about Arabs came from television; 25
percent cited parental influence. Only 10 percent said
that school was their source of information. These
figures lend a different perspective to the complaints of
social organizations that still believe things can be
changed and are incensed that "education for
peace" programs have been canceled under Education
Minister Limor Livnat. But that may not be where the
problem lies.
Prof. Daniel Bar-Tal of TAU's school of education is a
social psychologist who has written intensively about the
psychological processes undergone by individuals and
groups who live in a state of unresolved conflict.
Bar-Tal has identified and analyzed several
"functional societal beliefs" developed by
Israeli society that enable it to cope successfully with
the trying circumstances in this country. These beliefs
have been preserved and cultivated over the years through
the media, the rhetoric of Israel's leaders, culture,
education, the army, and more. The core beliefs are:
security as a supreme value, patriotism, national unity,
visions of peace (a goal that engenders optimism and
gives purpose to the struggle, without going into detail
about how to achieve it), the perception of Israel's
victimization, a positive self-image (self-justification
and belief that Israel's conduct is moral and humane) and
delegitimization of the other side.
The current study dwells on this last point, examining it
from every possible angle and placing it in a broad
socio-historical context. How are the Arabs portrayed in
public discourse, textbooks, children's literature,
literature in general? How do culture and art reinforce
these images? How do all these things filter down to
create a shared socio-psychological
"repertoire" based on fear ("the Arabs are
out to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews");
generalizations ("all Arabs are the same");
stereotypes, dehumanization and idioms with negative
connotations ("avoda aravit," literally
"Arab labor" - Hebrew slang for "lousy
job"; "ta'am aravi," literally "Arab
taste," meaning "tacky" or "in poor
How the other side is perceived must change if the aim is
to create an atmosphere that is conducive to peace,
promotes peace and safeguards it once it has been
achieved. Although the attitude of Israelis toward Arabs
has changed over the past two decades, the findings
indicate that deep-seated prejudice and dehumanization
are still very much alive.
The book does not stop at reporting these worrying
trends; it also asks what can be done about them. Is the
situation unchangeable? In the final chapter, the authors
propose guidelines and intervention strategies, but also
point out another finding that hardly comes as surprise:
Context matters. Current events and political
developments have a direct bearing on changes of attitude
and modification of the collective psychological
A clear example is the visit to Israel of Egyptian
president Anwar Sadat in 1977, followed by the signing of
a peace treaty. When this happened, "Egypt"
became separate from "the Arabs," which
required an adjustment of the stereotype. The same was
true after the Oslo Accords and the peace treaty with
Jordan - not only in the minds of adults, but among
children, too.
But this is not enough, of course. We cannot sit around
and rely on politicians. The media must become involved,
along with agents of culture, parents and schools. On a
cognitive level, Bar-Tal and Teichman believe that hope
can be instilled by promoting acceptance of "the
other," by humanizing him, recognizing his rights,
viewing him as an equal partner.
At the same time, the existing narratives must be
reexamined with respect to the origins of the conflict
and past relations, with an eye to creating a new
"collective memory." The injustices of the past
must somehow be forgiven, while embarking on a process of
reconciliation. The way we perceive the past is no less
important than how we perceive the present and the
future. In terms of the future, we need to use our
imaginations and envision the kind of difference it could
make to live without fear and discord. The leaders have
an important job to do: They must serve as guides and
role models. Other agents of change are local and
community leaders, religious leaders, economic experts
and the academic world. It's a two-way process, say the
authors, moving from top to bottom and vice versa. On the
other hand, the people cannot be forcibly
"reeducated," as in totalitarian countries. In
a democratic society, persuasion is the method of choice.
The authors briefly survey methods for introducing
change. Most of them have already been tried, though not
always successfully, and are still being used:
encounters, joint projects, cultural exchange, tourism,
writing a joint history. Again, to put these strategies
into practice, they recommend mobilizing the educational
system, the media and non-governmental organizations.
From my many years of experience in social organizations
involved in "peace education," I agree that
this sort of work has an impact on public opinion. It can
be instrumental in convincing various sectors of society
that the conflict is not forever and that there are ways
of reaching an agreement with the other side.
Nevertheless, even the combined efforts of dozens of such
organizations have managed to reach only a small
percentage of the population. Without full-fledged
cooperation from the media and the agencies that govern
the workings of society, there is little hope for genuine
I also believe that we should not only be focusing our
attention on children. To lay all the responsibility for
changing ingrained social beliefs and resolving the
conflict on their young shoulders is not ethical. The
target population in educating toward peace and change is
first and foremost the adult population - those who have
absorbed the stereotypes and negative attitudes toward
Arabs from childhood, and experienced the horrors of
wars, terror and bereavement in the flesh. It is adults
who are mature enough to adopt a multifaceted perspective
of the conflict and to see that not only one party is to
blame. They are the ones who can, and must, look bravely
in the mirror and want to change. They are the ones who
can make things happen - and the children are sure to
All educators, all politicians - in fact, everyone -
should read this book. Regrettably, it has been published
only in English and in a scholarly format, employing
terminology that is sometimes dense and overly academic.
The authors will be doing Israeli society a valuable
service if they publish a shorter, more accessible Hebrew
version and see that it reaches the broad public.
Dr. Sarah Ozacky-Lazar is a historian. She is working on
educational programs to promote peace.
w w w . g u s h - s h a l o m . o r g
- Jewish 'Settlers' In
Jordan Valley To Be Doubled
- The Israeli ministry of
agriculture has drawn up plans to double the
number of illegal Jewish settlers living in the
sparsely-populated Jordan Valley area of the West
Bank, a spokesman for the ministry said.
- "The plan which has already
won approval from within different ministries
will increase the number of residents in 21
settlements by 50% in a year and then by a
further 50% in the following year,"
spokesman Benjamin Rom said.
- A total of 6,300 illegal settlers
currently live in the Jordan Valley, according to
official figures.
- According to Rom the plan would
involve a major increase in agricultural
subsidies and the development of tourism in the
area which also incorporates the Dead Sea.
- The plan would be submitted within
two weeks to an inter-ministerial commission on
rural affairs which is chaired by Agriculture
Minister Israel Katz.
- According to a report in the
Israeli Yediot Aharonot daily Katz had already
co-ordinated the plan with Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's office director general Ilan Cohen.
- Furthermore, Israel's finance
ministry's budget director has approved by the
- The overall cost for the project,
which will see at least 50 housing units built
per year, is expected to reach $32 million, the
paper added.
- Under the terms of the
internationally backed road map peace plan,
Israel must freeze all settlement activity but
the government has continued to come up with
expansion and illegal occupation schemes.
- Sharon believes that Israel's
withdrawal from the Gaza Strip allows the Jewish
state to strengthen its occupation of the West
Bank where the vast majority of the 245,000
illegal settlers live.
- Katz, one of the most right-wing
members of Sharon's cabinet, has been a
consistent sceptic on the Gaza withdrawal which
is due to begin in mid-August.
- "The answer to(resistance
fighters) is strengthening Israeli settlements in
the Jordan Valley," he told Yediot.
- BODY SHOP name
pirated and Fischer Pharmaceuticals fix it with
Israeli Court !!!
After Ha'aretz published that Body Shop had
started procedures to open a branch in Pisgat
Ze'ev we sent a letter to the Body Shop
headquarters in the UK, of which we informed you.
It appears however that Body Shop Israel is not
connected with the international chain; the name
was pirated by the Israeli company Fischer
Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ( contact details: info@bodyshop.co.il
- www.bodyshop.co.il).
Remarkably, an Israeli court in 2002 rejected an
appeal by the international company and made it
possible for Fischer to continue using the
pirated trademark and in many other ways
deliberately mimic the international company's
practices and publicity campaigns, even to the
design of its website. We hope to find out more
about that court ruling and let you know.
In any case the international Body Shop network,
centered in the UK, clearly bears no
responsiibility for the shop about to open in
Pisgat Ze'ev and deserves our apology .
To them and to you we can only say that the
original Ha'aretz article, on which we acted,
made no mention of the facts enumerated here, and
from it could be implied that the Pisgar Ze'ev
shop did belong to the international chain.
But maybe it was not all in vain; maybe the
campaign which we opened and now close would
prove useful in future legal steps of The Body
Shop against damage to its interests by the
trademark plagiarism.
Adam Keller
Internationals Abducted
by Israeli Security Forces
Yesterday, Tuesday 14 June, three internationals were
abducted by two undercover Israeli agents on the streets
of west Jerusalem in broad daylight. At approximately one
PM local time, the three
internationals, who have chosen to keep their identities
anonymous, walked downstairs from the flat they had
stayed in the night before and into the arms of the
officers, who promptly surrounded them.
The agents demanded passports and cell phones, and told
the internationals that they were needed at the nearby
Russian Compoundpolice station and jail for questioning.
All three internationals
refused, asking for warrants or any materials that could
prove beyond reasonable doubt that any Israeli agents
might have legitimate reason for detaining or arresting
them. No reason was given. Instead, the agents told the
internationals that they were only going to be detained,
and that if they did not get into the unmarked car they
would be arrested and dragged to the compound against
their will. After a pointless argument about the nature
of democracy and police action, the three internationals
agreed to go with the agents.
Upon arriving at the compound---a place notorious for
torture and the bloody screams that emanate from its
basement---the internationals were, after a series of
more pointless arguments with other Israeli agents,
shuffled into a storage closet to await further
direction. At this point, approximately 1:30, the
internationals had not received any answers about why
they were being detained, or who had issued the order for
their capture. It should be noted that it is extremely
for internationals to be arrested in the Israeli half of
The internationals were left to sit in the storage closet
until some of their friends arrived with their baggage
and food. They were then allowed to sit outside and eat
lunch. Finally, after being moved back into the storage
closet, passports and cell phones still out of reach, the
internationals were called, one by one, into an office
with who they suspect were members of Israel's General
Security Services (GSS), the Israeli equivalent of the
American FBI. While two of the internationals had
overstayed their visas, the third had only been in the
country for two weeks on a three month visa and was
completely 'legal'. It should also be noted that for the
entire duration of their stay at the compound, amounting
to four hours, the internationals persistently requested
to call their lawyers and were completely ignored.
The 'legal' international was summoned to the office
first. One of the plainclothes agents that had abducted
the three was in the room, along with two other people
not yet seen by the internationals. One of them had a
digital camera, and though the international in question
refused to have her picture taken at first, the agents
made a (false) threat of arrest if she did not comply.
They took perhaps 30 pictures of her. Finally, the other
hitherto unknown character put a piece of paper in front
of her, asking her to sign it. The paper said that she
would be required to go to the immigration police office
the next morning, Wednesday, at 9 am. Signing the paper
was the condition for her release from the Russian
Compound. Though she initially refused, the officers told
her that if she did not sign she would be kept in the
jail overnight and driven to the office by the police the
next morning. She signed.This morning, Wednesday, the
third, 'legal' international appeared at the immigration
police station with her lawyer. The immigration police
had no idea why she had been summoned, and said they had
nothing to do with it. After laughing for a few minutes
with the Israeli lawyer, they said goodbye to the
international and her lawyer and the international was
free to go about her business as usual.
The other two internationals were brought into the
office, their pictures were taken and they were processed
as arrested. They were then moved to the jail adjacent to
the police station and kept overnight. They are awaiting
deportation. One is in the process of being moved to
Ramle prison, the other to Hadera prison. They have been
told that they will stay perhaps one or two days in these
prisons before being deported to their respective
countries, the UK and the US.
The entire affair is difficult to analyze due to the
nature of Israeli secrecy related to these matters. What
we can be sure of is that the It seems that the Israeli
police were in some way collaborating with the GSS. who
were monitering the internationals According to Israeli
law, the police must have a court order to tap phones,
whereas the GSS does not. There seeme to be no other
conceivable explanation for the presence of the two
undercover agents outside the flat in west Jerusalem.
They had been waiting and knew exactly where the
internationals were. The 'legal' international has been
working and living in East Jerusalem, doing research for
the Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of
International Affairs (PASSIA) through a grant provided
by the Human Rights Project at her college in the United
States. She had never been arrested or detained by any
Israeli 'security' forces before yesterday. Though her
lawyer urged her to sue the state for detainment without
cause and personal damages, she has declined due to lack
of funds.
Written by K
SCOFIELD Bible, Oxford University
Editor Jun 24, 2005
Most study bibles have a thousand pages of footnotes or
more. The Scofield Reference Bible is the
unchallenged king of bible corruption, being totally
shameless in its sponsorship of Israel as a
nation-god. It is the primary textbook for
"Christian" enabler of serial wars in the
Mideast and the liquidation of Israel's neighbors.
You can find Scofield 1967 Editions in second-hand book
stores, cheap. It proves what the World Zionist
Movement wants you to think.