Who cares about the Jewish Holocaust?  There are holocausts being perpetrated today by us.  Those are the ones we need to expose and let's leave the Jewish or Zionist conspiracy out of it, because that in the end is a deliberate dead-end that short circuits the revelations that need desperately to emerge. 

Perhaps it has been cleverly designed to be so and we fall into this trap every time we raise semite issues.  The facts are plainer and they speak volumes.  But they are unreasonably suppressed.  This is what should concern us.  There are facts out there about what happened in the US on September 11, who was involved and by what means, that are still suppressed by the administration, the political system, the legal system and the media.  Yet 9/11 is being used to justify the worsening polarisation of the east and west, Muslim ands non-Muslim, terrorist and victims. 

It has been used to ravage two already ravaged countries.  There is enough evidence at hand now to indict elected US officials and legislators over their 9/11 complicity.  Visit Sibel Edmonds on Google.  See the September issue of Vanity Fair.  This is more mundane than Neo Cons and Zionists controlling the world.  (Perhaps it’s the way they are doing it.)  We are being hoodwinked by and with Zionism and Neo-Cons.  There are more basic issues.  People in the US and their allies, like Britain and Australia, need to look in the mirror and say,” I have seen the enemy and it is us."  The anti-terrorism laws are not to combat terror but to suppress information and freedom of speech to cover up the truth of who is complicit with these terror cells.  

They, the terrorists, are marginal people at the best of times, yet the very people who enabled them to do what they did and to continue doing it are foisting them onto centre stage.  We need to ask ourselves why.  Like we need to ask why the Brazilian innocent was executed in cold blood in public on that London train.

Was it a warning to the rest of us?  If so, then we need to know who is attacking us.

Andrew Hanos