august 20055

stoppress stoppress stoppress........
anarchist space press release:
San Diego Schedule events August 28th

Hola todos. Crazy times we find ourselves in. Millions of people forced to live underground, more than 3200 dead and tens of thousands more incapacitated crossing the border. Communities and families split by the wall. As if the border and its myriad forms of violence were not enough, racist paramilitaries are openly organizing across the US and finding enthusiastic partners in politicians and corporate press outlets alike. And then there are the numerous Neo-nazi groups crawling out from beneath their rocks, thrilled with the "Trojan Horse" of growing anti-migrant sentiment.

So, here we are. There is a huge amount of incredible organizing around these issues happening all around us. As one small contribution to this struggle for liberation and dignity, the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. Collective has organized a two-day (no)border encuentro, in San Diego, in the spirit of the Zapatista Encuentros. We hope that many different people can make it and we hope for it to truly be an encounter, with many people sharing space, dreams, ideas and strategies.

Despite our many backgrounds and areas of focus, we hope that we can learn and walk together, hashing out answers to questions like: How do we strengthen current struggles? How do we create a de-colonization movement and what would that look like? How do we construct autonomy in the border region and what would that look like? How do we help broaden and show solidarity with
indigenous struggles like that of the Zapatista's and others? How do we build a sustainable movement for freedom of movement and the right to stay with full rights?
Schedule of Events

Saturday, August 27th

10:00 am - Maquiladora/Border Tour - RSVP required, email us at info at organiccollective dot org

7:00 pm - Benefit concert - Flyer Here

Presentation By: Roy San Filipo, formerly of the Love and Rage Revolutionary
Anarchist Federation and currently of Bring the Ruckus will be giving a talk on
reflections on anti-racist organizing.

Performing live:
Entartete Kunst - Malatesta (DJ Slo-Mo) - 187 (Raw Knowledge) - Drowning Dog - a
class-conscious worker-owned collective that produce and distribute hip-hop,
various electronic stylings and radical literature that promotes positive
social change. We have performed in the following countries over the past 18
months; England, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Scotland and the U.S.A. With
"potent anti status quo hip hop mixes" and spoken word, we spread ideas that
promote the self emancipation of the working class.

Boomerang Politick - A break-beat signature scripted with the resonance of Drum
& Bass, the "boom-bap" of Classic Breaks, the Diasporatic rhythms of
Afro-Haitian-Racine and the visceral energy of Punk. An uncompromising message
of Social Justice for the disenfranchised masses and the inevitability of the
Proletarian victory - despite the Empire's onslaught - delivered through
breathtaking, rapid-fire rhyme and venom, no frills, stick-em' up Emceeing.
LA's Hip Hop group Boomerang Politick brings an imminent and vital revolution
to a genre all but unrecognizable to the Beat-Street poets who originally paved
the way for their conception. They denounce the unabashed hypocrisy of Bourgeois
Elitism, the politics of war economies, neo-colonization, globalization, white
supremacy and privilege, in a violent rebuttal, expressed in such a way
entirely unique to their music, to their interpretation of Hip Hop.

Sunday, August 28th, 10am-6pm

For full Sunday schedule, click here


10:00-10:30 - Café Anarquista

10:30-11:30 - Workshop Session I

History of The US/Mexico Border and Operation Gatekeeper
Presented by Enrique Morones of Border Angels, more speakers TBA.

Direct Action Training Part I, presenters TBA

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-1:00 - Migration and Indigenous Nations
Panel and discission with Marta Frausto of the Otomí Coordination Project and
members of various indigenous Nations including Otomi and Mixteca discussing
the impact of the border on their communities and their current struggles.

1:00-2:00 Lunch and Video reportback from Campo

2:00-3:00 - Anti-Minutemen strategy session
Reflections on Campo, strategies for September 16th. Organizers who were in
Campo, including members of Gente Unida and the o.r.g.a.n.i.c. collective, will
talk about their experiences and about their ideas for stopping the Minutemen in
September. There will also be an open space for discussing goals, strategy, and

3:00-3:15 Break

3:15-4:15 - Workshop Session II

Border Disturbance Art
A space created by Ricardo Dominguez of Electronic Disturbance Theater, Emily
Hicks of the Border Institute of Advanced Studies in Nonlinear Events and
Structures and Shannon Spanhake of The Department of Ecological Authoring
Tactics, Inc. (DoEAT).

Direct Action II - Presenters TBA

4:15-5:15 - Zapatismo and Solidarity with Migrant People
Panel and discussion including members of the Frente Zapatista and a speaker
from Schools for Chiapas to talk about the 6th Declaration of the Selva

5:15-5:30 - Break

5:30-6:30 - Ashanti Alston - Flyer here
Ashanti Alston was the Northeast regional coordinator for Critical Resistance,
is a former member of both the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army,
and was a political prisoner for over 12 years. Currently, he is a member of
Estacion Libre, a people of color Zapatista support group, as well as a board
member for the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Mr. Alston also authors the
zine Anarchist Panther. He recently spent 6 months in Chiapas with the EZLN.
More info here, talk on black anarchism, more audio here .

Please RSVP - if you are planning on attending, please drop us an email at

against the border and racism
against capitalism and empire
for freedom of movement, dignity and autonomy

Oradores, talleres, foros, accion directa, hacer medios, estrategia, teoria.

contra la frontera y racismo
contra el capitalismo y imperio

AUGUST 17, 2005


We, the members of the International Conference of Women in Black, congratulate you on your courageous vigil in Crawford, Texas. You are proof that one grief-stricken mother has more power than President Bush and his war machine.

You are a symbol for all of the wives, mothers, and sisters who have lost loved ones in ill-conceived wars and brutal occupations.  We mourn the loss of your son and want you to know that your voice has become our hope, energizing us to continue working for peace.

You have reaffirmed that the power of one woman can be a beacon for change.  750 women from 44 countries representing thousands of families around the world thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Know that we will support you with our voices until peace becomes the only choice.


Gaza distracts from an ominous procedure:The Yesha Council also has other plans for today...Those who can't leave Jerusalem are asked to take part in a march around the Temple Mount gates this afternoon, at 6 PM. The marchers will assemble at that hour in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, near the Ramban Synagogue.
Example of incredible lack of preparation for Gaza Settlers by Government:
Four of the veteran families of Chomesh left in recent days, headed towards a hotel for the immediate future with an uncertain future afterwards.

Israeli Settlers Gush Katif:
Palestinians, Rafah:

On israeli tv todAY 13

George W. Bush said on Israeli television he could consider using force as a last resort to press Iran to give up its nuclear program.

"All options are on the table," Mr Bush, speaking at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, said in the interview broadcast today

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has told an election campaign rally that the military option for resolving the dispute over Iran's nuclear programme should be "taken off the table".

"We're all concerned about the developments in Iran," he said.

"We don't want nuclear weapons to proliferate further."

But Mr Schroeder said diplomacy was the answer.

"I've read that military options are also on the table," he said. "My answer to that is: 'Dear friends in Europe and America, let's develop a strong negotiating position towards Iran, but take the military option off the table'."


From T.ASCHER:Leland:About 3 weeks ago was surfing some of the sites I enjoy posting on, when someone posted in all caps that they had just heard from an officer friend in the military that all leaves had been cancelled for the month of September. Obviously aware of the false flags our government is famous for, this person sounded desperate, asking for help in confirming or denying this "rumor" from anyone who had connections in the military. I happened to ask a co-worker friend of mine whose son in-law is in the Army (82nd) about checking out the "rumor". Well guess what, they've had to move up their leave to this coming week to come home because his unit has to be back by September 7th. where upon all leaves are cancelled!  They have seen a steady build up of heavy materials just sitting in storage facilities. He also commented that they were rushed through a training course on new weapons systems they just rolled out. He thought this very odd and a first.   This sent shivers all through me. Not to push any panic buttons I spoke with a dear woman with whom I work whose son is in the Army in an artillery unit. She is a former Captain, her husband is a former Colonel and Vietnam vet and successful attorney here in our area who also happens to be dying from the effects of Agent Orange. Lo and behold their son was told all leaves are cancelled for September and in December they may get leave, but can travel no further than 17 kilometers from their base. My niece is married to a young man in the Army stationed on the East Coast he is also 82nd, his leave has also been cancelled. Their first baby is due in December. Leland, I'm not prone to fits of paranoia but I have to tell you, I have begun stocking water and canned goods. I am ex Air Force,  I was on three ring standby most of my enlistment and was in a constant training  mode. I know how this works and it doesn't sound good. The draft board offices are in place with staff waiting for the word to go. I read an article from a guy who works in one of those offices, he said Homeland Security came in there early last month and put up bullet proof glass on the windows and iron bars, they installed blast proof glass on the doors, and removed the mail drop box slots on the outside of the building. When he asked what was going on they identified themselves as Homeland Security and said don't worry about the rest and left.  It's coming no doubt about it. Sorry I can't be more positive, but this is what I have heard with my own ears from three independent military member
sources in different parts of the country.


General Kevin P. Byrnes, and who is one of USA's top Military Generals, has been arrested and taken prisoner by US Forces, and as we can read as reported by the Newsday News Service in their article titled “Senior general is relieved of duties at commander of key Army training organization" and which says;

"The Army, in a rare disciplinary act against a four-star officer, said Tuesday it relieved Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes of his command after a Pentagon investigation into unspecified "personal conduct."  Byrnes, a native of New York City, was relieved as commander of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command on Monday by Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker, according to a brief statement issued by Army headquarters at the Pentagon."

Russian Military Analysts are further reporting that US Military Forces still loyal to General Byrnes and the other Coup Leaders are continuing their preparations and as evidenced by a number of large scale Military movements within the Continental United States Regions.  These reports further state that the Coup Leaders efforts are being hampered by the ordering last week of 7 Armor Brigades loyal to the Coup Leaders to depart immediately to the Iraqi War Zone. 

Speculation behind the reasons leading to these Coup Leader efforts centers upon the belief within the American Military Establishment that war with Iran is imminent and all that remains is the ‘triggering event’ forecast by many World Intelligence Organizations to occur this month in the United States. 

Daily Mail



Towers that fell ‘like a controlled demolition’.  Planes that vanished then mysteriously reappeared,  And crucial evidence that has been lost for ever.  A new book raises bizarre yet deeply unsettling questions about the world’s worst terror atrocity…..
By Tony Rennell – Daily Mail, Saturday 6th August, 2005
Full Pages 36, 37 & 38, although NOT included on the Daily Mail web site.


Daily Mail 1.JPG (372517 bytes)

Daily Mail 3.JPG (121419 bytes)

Daily Mail 2.JPG (113142 bytes)

The plot by America’s military bosses was devilish in both design and intent – to fabricate an outrage against innocent civilians, fool the world and provide a pretext for war.  In the pentagon, a top secret team drew up a plan to simultaneously send up two airliners painted and numbered exactly the same, one from a civil airport in America, the other from a secret military airbase nearby.

The one from the airport would have military personnel on board who had checked in as ordinary passengers under false names.  The one from the airbase would be an empty drone, a remote-controlled unmanned aircraft.

Somewhere along their joint flight paths, the passenger-carrying plane would drop below radar height, and disappear, landing back at the airbase and unloading its occupants in secret.

Meanwhile, the drone would have taken up the other plane’s designated course.  High over the island of Cuba, it would be exploded in mid-air after broadcasting an international distress call that it was under attack from enemy fighters.

The world would be told that a plane load of blameless American holidaymakers had been deliberately shot down by Fidel Castro’s Communists – and that the US had no choice but to declare war and topple his regime.

This ‘agent provocateur’ plan – code named OPERATION NORTHWOODS and revealed in official archives – dates from 1962 when the Cold War was at its height.

Four decades later, there are a growing number of people who look back at this proto-conspiracy and then to the events of 9/11 and see uncanny and frightening modern parallels.

For Cuba, read Iraq, say these skeptics.  For the dummy airliner, read the Twin Towers in New York.

The Northwoods plan is crucial to the argument presented in a hugely provocative – many would say fantastical – yet, at times, genuinely disturbing new analysis of 9/11 by two radical British based journalists, Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan.

Did the CIA actively help the hijackers?

In it, they examine various conspiracy theories that suggest the Bush administration connived in the devastating aerial attacks on New York and Washington four years ago.

The reason?  To give Bush the excuse he wanted to push ahead with his secret, long-held plane to invade Iraq and capture its oilfields.

As we shall see. Many of the theories they raise are outlandish in the extreme.  It would be easy to dismiss them as hokum, the invention of over-active imaginations among those whose instinct is always to find some way to blame America for the world’s ills.

Are we really supposed to believe that the CIA actively helped the hijackers succeed – or even that the US government staged the whole attack and itself murdered thousands of its own citizens?

Some would say that even in discussing suck notions, we are lending comfort to terrorists and doing a disservice to the dead.

However, much of evidence the authors present is undeniably compelling – and their arguments sound rather less preposterous in the light of OPERATION NORTHWOODS all those years ago.  That plan was proposed in all seriousness by America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in a memo to the Secretary of Defence.  It got as far as the Attorney General – Robert Kennedy, brother of the president, John Kennedy, before being vetoed.

It is proof, says Henshall and Morgan, that forces at the top of the US Government are capable of conceiving a deadly, devious and fraudulent plan to further their own secret ends – even under such a supposedly ‘nice guy’ president as JFK.

In which case, can the idea of a 9/11 plot by those who serve the deeply mistrusted Bush really be ruled out with total certainty, without at least considering the arguments?

Of course, the official explanation for 9/11 is that Al Qaeda just got lucky that sunny morning in September 2001.

The terrorists conducted their attacks without outside help, by this account, and intelligence and other blunders by the US authorities that contributed to their terrible success – for example, ignored warnings that an attack involving aeroplanes was likely, or issuing US entry visas to 19 Islamic fanatics set on murder – were just that: blunders.

This is the White House’s version and it was endorsed by a Washington commission of inquiry under Thomas Kean published last year.

But, according to Henshall and Morgan, the story is full of gaping holes and unanswered questions.  And the most startling question, which remains unresolved, they say, is why the hijackers’ principal target, the two 110-storey towers at the World Trade Centre in New York crumbled so easily.

No-one who watched each building suddenly cascade into dust and debris in just 20 seconds will ever forget the slow-motion horror.  But now the question is asked: was it all too pat, too neat?

Though 30 years old, the towers had expressly been built to survive the impact of a Boeing 707, a plane the same size and carrying as much fuel as the ones that struck.  That they collapsed after being hit and fell at such speed was unprecedented in the history of architecture.  It astonished many engineers.

The official explanation is known as the Pancake Effect – steel supports melting in the intense fireball, causing the floors to tumble down on each other.

The problem here is that the heat from the explosions was probably not nearly as great as people tend to assume.

There was indeed a lot of kerosene from the aircraft fuel tanks when flight 11 from Boston hit the North Tower between the 94th and the 98th floors but pictures show that most of this fireballed outwards.  Experts have questioned whether the fire ever got hot enough to melt the buildings’ steel frames.

Oddly, too, original estimates by firefighters after the second plane, Flight 175, hit the South Tower, were that the blaze was containable.

Two firefighters actually reached the crash zone on the 78th floor and a tape exists of them radioing down that just two hoses would be enough to get the fire under control – in which ca\se the situation should have been little different from a ‘normal’ office fire, and no steel tower ever collapsed as the result of such a blaze.

‘The fire wasn’t hot enough to cause a collapse’

Kevin R Ryan, laboratory director at a US underwriting firm specializing in product safety, was sacked from his job last year after questioning the official explanation.

“The buildings should have easily withstood the thermal stress caused by the burning jet fuel”, he said.  “If steel did soften or melt, this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers.  That fact should be of great concern to all Americans.”

Intriguingly, Ryan claimed that his firm had checked and approved the steel used in the towers when they were built.  This was later vehemently denied by the bosses who sacked him.

To add to the mystery, the tape of the two firemen was kept secret and when relatives were finally allowed to listen to it, they had to sign strict confidentiality agreements.

If the Pancake Effect theory is wrong, there’s one obvious alternative: that the towers were brought down by the sheer impact of the planes hitting them.  But this, according to the skeptics, ignores basic physics.

The initial hit on the North Tower, for example, destroyed 33 of the 59 columns in its north face.  This meant the damage was asymmetrical, so any resulting collapse would surely have been lopsided.

In fact, the building fell evenly.  The TV aerial on the summit sank vertically, in a straight line.

There were other strange anomalies.  According to the Kean Commission, when the first plane struck: ‘A jet fuel fireball erupted and shot down a bank of elevators, bursting into numerous lower floors, including the lobby level, and the basement four storeys below ground.’

Unlikely, say Henshall and Morgan.  A firm by a French documentary crew, who by chance were following a New York firefighting team that day, shows the first men arriving.  The lobby was covered in fine debris and the windows were shattered but there was none of the soot or oily residue that burning jet fuel would have left behind.

Meanwhile down in the basement, a 50-ton hydraulic press was reduced to rubble and a steel and concrete fire door demolished.  Witnesses there said the destruction was less like that from a fireball flash and more like that from a bomb.

Some firefighters told reporters that day that they thought there had been bombs in the building – before apparently being silenced by their chiefs.  So had Al Qaeda cleverly placed explosives inside the rowers as well as attacking them from the air?

Or, as conspiracy theorists would have it, had some homegrown agency mined the towers to make sure they fell – but neatly without collapsing over the rest of Manhattan, America’s financial and business heartland?

The authors quote an expert demolition contractor from Pennsylvania, Michael Taylor, who said the fall of the buildings ‘looked like a controlled demolition’.

Another expert, Van Romero, vice-president for research at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, reached the same opinion after studying videos of the disaster, and concluded that ‘explosive devices inside the buildings’ caused them to collapse.

Strangely and without explanation, he recanted that view just ten days after going public with it.  Might he possibly have been leaned on?

Even stranger, say Henshall and Morgan, was the collapse of a third building on the World Trade Centre site, a smaller 47-storey block known as WTC7, which was largely ignored by the world’s media.

It had not been hit by a plane yet it, too, mysteriously fell many hours after the Towers had gone.

The official explanation for this was that fuel stores caught fire as a result of debris from the burning towers, the building began to bulge in one corner, and after that it was unsalvageable.

But remember that, according to Henshall and Morgan, a steel-framed building had never collapsed as a result of a fire before this day.  And, again according to the authors, WTC7 appears almost untouched by fire in photographs taken at the time.

The landlord of the World Trade Centre site, Larry Silverstein, explicitly suggested at one point that WTC7 was deliberately demolished.  He told a US TV documentary that a decision was taken to ‘pull’ the building rather than risk loss of life, though this was later denied.

Certainly, according to Henshall and Morgan, the building’s fall in seven seconds was just as textbook-tidy and suspicious as the collapse of the Twin Towers.  Given that it also housed offices of the US Secret Service, the CIA and the Defence Department, this has led conspiracy theorists to give it a key role in the supposed 9/11 plot – as we will see shortly.

Part of the whole problem, according to Henshall and Morgan, is that vital evidence about what happened was destroyed or muddied in the wake of the atrocity.

One expert said there were bombs inside the towers

Ground Zero, the base of the towers, was fiercely protected by the authorities – understandably so because it not only contained human remains but a cache of seized drugs held in an FBI office and more than $1 billion of gold from bank vaults in the Buildings.

Yet what went on behind all the heavy security?

After most air disasters, the wreckage of the planes is meticulously gathered up and pieced together in search of clues.

Extraordinarily, in the course of removing the rubble from the Twin Towers to a nearby landfill site, the 9/11 salvage operation seems to have ‘lost’ four six-ton aircraft engines, besides failing to find the ‘black box’ flight data recorders and cockpit voice recorders from either of the planes.

These data boxes – which could have revealed exactly what happened in the doomed jets – are deliberately designed to withstand heavy impacts and exceptionally high temperatures.  It is, according to experts, very rare for them not to be recovered after an accident.

Unfortunately, according Henshall and Morgan, there was a singular lack of official zeal even to establish the very basic fact that the aircraft that hit the Twin Towers were the same as those that took off from Boston.

Perhaps, with almost the entire world watching the attacks on TV, it hardly seemed necessary to prove the glaringly obvious.  But this failure to follow standard procedures for accident investigation once again gave encouragement to the conspiracy theorists.

And then there was the oddity of the single passport.  The black boxes may have been destroyed and steel girders melted – yet somehow one of the hijackers’ passports avoided this inferno and was found intact in a nearby street by ‘a passer-by’.

To Henshall and Morgan, that seems absurd, as does the almost instant identification of this person as a hijacker rather than a passenger or a Twin Towers office worker.  Conspiracy theorists suspect the passport was planted to help establish the official story in the first, critical hours after the disaster.

Why didn't fighter planes intercept the hijackers?

Still more unanswered questions surround what happened at the Pentagon in Washington, in the third successful terrorist attack that day.

After taking off from Dulles Airport, Washington, American Airlines Flight 77 dropped off the radar screens for 36 minutes when its transponders sending signals back to air traffic control were switched off.

When the blip reappeared, it was closing on the city but where precisely the aircraft had been for the past half an hour was a mystery.  Nor could anyone in air traffic control figure out what it was.

Experienced officials apparently watched its speed and maneuverability and thought it must be a military plane.  Conspiracy theorists maintain this is precisely what it was.

In a repeat of New York, no evidence has ever been produced from the wreckage to prove that it was Flight 77 that hurtled into the side of the Pentagon at 350mph.

Photographs show that the hole it made was large enough for the fuselage of a Boeing 757 but not for the wings and the tail, though these supposedly disappeared through the gap and then vapourised.

For the conspiracy theorists, this points to a conclusion that what hit was not Flight 77, and not even a jetliner.

Some witnesses claim the plane they say hit the Pentagon was a small one, an eight – or 12-seater, and that it did not have the roar of an airliner but the shrill whine of a fighter plane,  One witness is convinced it was a missile.

The authors say the matter could be cleared up by CCTV footage of the crash from a nearby filling station, a hotel and traffic surveillance cameras.  Unfortunately, the FBI seized all three videos within minutes of the crash and they have never been released.

The hole in the Pentagon was too small for a Boeing

If they were produced, they might lay to rest the theory that what hit the Pentagon was a military drone painted in airline livery and that just before impact it fired a missile to enable a clean entry which would explain the lack of debris.  But until they are, the skeptics will continue to have a field day.

In essence, to the extreme conspiracy theorists, what took place on 9/11 was a repeat of the aborted OPERATION NORTHWOODS.

Far from being an attack by Islamic terrorists, they say, the events were a complete hoax, a conjuring trick by the US government in just the same way that Kennedy’s generals wanted to fool the world over Cuba.

Planes were swapped, ‘drones’ slammed into the World Trade Centre (which was mined with explosives as well) and the Pentagon, and the identities of alleged hijackers from the Middle East were stolen or invented to put the blame on Al Qaeda.

Along with the ‘passengers’ who apparently boarded the planes, the ‘suicide hijackers’ are now either dead or living under different identities, just as the pentagon planned fro the military personnel it was going to use back in 1962.

The theory seizes on the fact that, like the plane that apparently hit the Pentagon, both Flight 11 and Flight 175 switched off their transponders on their way to the Twin Towers and disappeared from Radar screens.  According to the skeptics, this gave them time and opportunity to land at the handily located Griffiss Air Force Base, a Pentagon command center which also houses research laboratories into advanced computers and radar.  There, they were supposedly replaced by remote-controlled substitutes.

In technical terms, this is not as far fetched as it sounds.  The US military experimented with unmanned aircraft as far back as World War II and there have been successful jet models since.  Well-connected conspirators, so the theory goes, would have little difficulty getting their hands on a system to fit in an airliner.

The switch would supposedly be foolproof because, as we have seen, the aircraft in the ruins would not be properly identified.

Then there was the smaller building known as WTC7.  It was the obvious point from which to run the New York end of the scam, guiding the planes into their target.  Afterwards, of course, the evidence had to be destroyed, hence its demolition.

Taken as a rush, and without looking at the detail this might seem vaguely plausible.  But could we really have been so totally and utterly conned?

Common sense says no.  An operation of such intricacy and complexity would require the co-operation – and the silence until death – of thousands of people.  Everything we have read about the victims on the planes, and their heartbroken relatives, would be a carefully constructed sham.

It might just be possible in a totalitarian society but surely not in a flawed yet robust democracy like America.  And with four missions (the hijackers of the fourth plane, Flight 93, were overthrown by its passengers), not just one as in OPERATION NORTHWOODS?  No.

To be fair to Henshall and Morgan, they make it clear that they themselves are not advocating such an extreme theory of empty planes and hoax attacks.

They admit the Pentagon’s radar reconstructions suggest the planes were not switched, and that alleged Al Qaeda ringleaders are said by their interrogators to have confirmed the official account.

Instead of retreating into fantasy, they simply insist that something is being held back – that we have not been told the full story.  And it’s hard to discount all their arguments.

Why, they ask, were air traffic controllers so slow to report suspected hijackings to the military that day in breach of standard procedures, with the result that fighter planes arrived too late to intercept?

Flight controllers in four separate incidents were unaccountably slow to realize that something was wrong and alert the military authorities.  Even after one plane was definitely known to have been hijacked, they failed to respond promptly when others went missing.

The air force scrambled from the wrong base

For some reason, too, when fighter planes eventually were scrambled to New York, they were from an airbase 150 miles away, rather than the much closer one in New Jersey.  The Twin Towers were ablaze before they got there.

All the while the local TV channels were smoothly getting eye-in-the-sky helicopters into the air over the World Trade Centre.  In the words of the authors:  “Their routine mobilizations stand in stark contrast to the apparent impotence and indecisiveness of the $350-billion-a-year US military.

Yet for all the shortcomings of the Federal Aviation Authority and the US Air Force that day, no-one was ever fired or reprimanded.

One explanation for this paralysis is that there was, as fate would have it, an air defence exercise going on in US airspace that same day, codenamed Vigilant Guardian.  The air traffic controllers were confused by this, thinking the planes disappearing from their screens might be part of the exercise.

Coincidence?  No say the 9/11 sceptics.  This was exactly the sort of smokescreen operation that anyone wanting to make life easier for the hijackers would launch to paralyse any authorities that might get in the way.

When the first evidence came that hijackings were taking place, traffic control officials wasted valuable time wondering whether or not this was part of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.

Suck a smokescreen fits well with two types of government-inspired plot postulated by 9/11 sceptics – popularly known as ‘LIHOP’ and ‘MIHOP’.

‘LIHOP’ – ‘Let It Happen On Purpose’ – holds that since the turn of the new century, radical right-wingers in Washington (the so-called new-cons) had been keen to get a US military presence in the Middle East oilfields and were also desperate to do something about Al Qaeda, which had been targeting US interests overseas.

When evidence came in of an impending terrorist attack, they decided to ignore it.  They intended that it should succeed.  It would act at the very least as a ‘wake-up’ call to their apathetic fellow countrymen and at best as an excuse for war.

In the much the same way, some historians believe, President Roosevelt knew in advance from broken codes about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941 – but let it happen, at the cost of 2,400 lives, because he wanted an excuse to join World War II.

‘MIHOP” takes a step on from this – ‘Make it Happen On Purpose’.  This theory has the same motivation but the active involvement of US agents.  Planted in Al Qaeda, they helped organize the plot, or at the very least cleared a path for the hijackers.

These agents may even have tried to keep down casualty figures, which some think were suspiciously small in the circumstances.

The plane that hit the Pentagon was seen to swerve at the last minute and hit an area of the building that was largely unoccupied – and which had just been fitted with reinforced external walls and blast-resistant windows.  A crash into the other side would have killed and maimed many thousands instead of just 125.

In New York, too, more than 50,000 inhabitants of the Towers were targeted but just 2,600 killed – not least because of the orderly way in which the buildings collapsed, after most of the occupants had been evacuated.  Was this an example of a ‘managed’ atrocity?

For most observers, the idea of US involvement in the attacks still strains credulity beyond breaking point.  Yet that catalogue of unanswered questions remains troubling.

Some are very basic.  How, for example, did the hijackers manage to slip past airport security with weapons?

The White House explanation is plastic knives, but there has never been any independent confirmation of how the men were armed.  Some passengers who made phone calls from the doomed planes said they witnessed stabbings but others spoke of bombs and even guns being used.

To some, the official recourse to ‘plastic knives’ smacks of a cover-up to conceal security lapses – or worse, a deliberate turning of blind eyes.

So how did the passengers make those phone calls?

Another problem here is those very phone calls from the planes.  Experts in Henshall and Morgan’s book say it is all but impossible to make a mobile phone call above 8,000 feet – let alone four times that altitude, as the jet passengers are alleged to have done.

So how were these calls on which so much of the 9/11 narrative has been built ever made?  Could they possibly have been invented?

The authors write:  ‘Few issues cause as much controversy amongst 9/11 sceptics as these, not least because they were cited – by Tony Blair among others – as eyewitness reports and proof positive the official narrative was true.’

Doubts are even raised over the gung-ho story of Flight 93, the fourth plane in the attacks, which passengers apparently seized back from the hijackers, causing it to crash into a field but miss Washington.

The legend of the heroic cockpit-storming, launched to cries of ‘Let’s Roll’, was a product of tapes that have never been authenticated or released to anyone other than the victims’ relatives, who were sworn to secrecy.

Henshall and Morgan say the matter could be cleared up if recordings or billing evidence from phone companies were produced but they never have been.

This call for transparency is the thrust of their whole argument.  It is time, they say, for a full and truly independent inquiry into 9/11 that will reveal all the facts and silence the rumours.

One thing it could consider would be the anthrax attack on America three weeks after 9/11.  Five recipients of contaminated letters died, postal facilities were closed, as were office buildings on Capitol Hill where hundreds of lawmakers and staff were tested and given an antibiotic.

At the time, this was seized on by the Washington power-brokers pressing for action against Iraq.  ‘Who but Saddam Hussein could have supplied Arab terrorists with anthrax,’ they asked.

By contrast, skeptics about 9/11 see this as this finishing touch to the grand plot – an attempt to distract attention from any doubts about the atrocities and the lessons to be learned from them.

They may have a case.  The letters mysteriously stopped and the anthrax spores were identified by scientists as a particular strain stemming only from the government’s own labs in Maryland.

But by then the scare had shut down congress at a crucial time, when questions about 9/11 were beginning to surface, and helped deepen the mood of fear and paranoia among ordinary Americans.

It was those fears, say the skeptics, that Bush exploited to get his way on Iraq.  Had he plotted it that way all along?  Henshall and Morgan raise enough awkward points to make it a thought that cannot simply be laughed out of court.

After all, Bush and Blair, took us to war assuring us that ‘the Iraq regime continues to possess some of the most lethal weapons ever devised’.  Yet those weapons of mass destruction have not been found and many doubt they existed.

With public trust one of the major casualties of the war, can any of us be absolutely sure we have not been caught up in a lie and perhaps a bigger one even than we ever though possible?

In their inquiries Henshall and Morgan may have discover no smoking guns – but they have certainly left a whiff of something sinister in the air.

9/11 Revealed: Challenging The Facts Behind The War On Terror, by Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan is published by Robinson on August 25 at £8.99.
To order a copy (P&P free), Telephone 0870 161 0870

Spyware Researchers Discover ID Theft Ring

Ryan Naraine

Ziff Davis Media

Monday, 9 August, 2005

Spyware researchers picking apart one of the more notorious spyware programs have stumbled upon what appears to be a massive identity theft ring hijacking confidential data from millions of infected computers.

Sunbelt Software Inc., makers of the enterprise-grade CounterSpy spyware protection product, made the discovery during an audit of "CoolWebSearch," a program that routinely hijacks Web searchers, browser home pages and other Internet Explorer settings.

During the research, Sunbelt researcher Patrick Jordan deliberately installed the "CoolWebSearch application on a machine and immediately noticed that the infected system became a spam zombie that was placing callbacks to a remote server.

When Jordan visited the remote server, he was shocked to find that it was being used to distribute sensitive personal information from millions of PC users infected by the spyware application.

"We found the keylogger transcript files that are being uploaded to the servers. We're talking real spyware stuff…chat sessions, usernames, passwords, bank account information, full names, addresses," said Sunbelt president Alex Eckelberry.

Read more here about the many faces of spyware.

In an interview with Ziff Davis Internet News, Eckelberry said the sophistication of the operation suggests it's the work of a "massive identity theft ring" that used keystroke loggers to grab confidential information that could be used to create fake online identities.

"I'm not being dramatic. This is the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. It's very painful to see what's in these log files that are being uploaded in real time. We're seeing a lot of bank information and usernames and passwords to get in," Eckelberry said.

He said the log files included logins to one business bank account with more than $350,000 and another small company in California with over $11,000, readily accessible.

"There are lots of eBay account information and names and addresses of the people owning those accounts. Names, passwords, all matched up," Eckelberry added.

Read more here about Sunbelt's acquisition of a Google-like spyware sniffer.

He said the server, which is hosted out of a data center in Texas, was effectively a "massive repository of stolen data" that was being replenished in real time.

"As the [log] file gets to a certain size, it gets taken down and a new file starts generating. This goes on nonstop. We've been watching it for a few days while trying to get to the FBI, and it just keeps growing and growing."

While the site is being hosted in the United States, Eckelberry said the domain name is registered to an offshore company.

Eckelberry said the huge size of the log files is a clear indication that thousands of machines are pinging back daily.

In some cases, where users appeared to be at immediate risk of losing a considerable amount of money, Sunbelt has contacted the affected individuals.

Eckelberry said the "CoolWebSearch" payload included a typical adware download that immediately scanned the infected machine for e-mails to use for spam runs. It then sets up a "very intelligent keylogger" that looks for very specific information.

"This won't get caught by a typical anti-spyware application," he said, noting that the keystroke logger was able to pick up identity-related data for delivery to the remote server.

Check out's Security Center for the latest security news, reviews and analysis. And for insights on security coverage around the Web, take a look at Security Center Editor Larry Seltzer's Weblog.

Fraudulent and porngraphic use of Internet Storage sites by Israeli users violating terms of use. These sites are placing blanket regional bans on all Israeli users.
By Gal Mor,7340,L-3121644,00.html
Banning Israeli web surfers - A number of internet storage sites have begun banning Israeli surfers from accessing their services.The websites say Israeli surfers have used the site to upload and share pornographic material in large
numbers, "forcing" them to place a blanket ban on Israeli web users and this has forced them to block IP addresses from Israel.

100WebSpace, a storage site, has blocked all IP addresses originating from Israel, other foreign sites have followed suit, saying they too would ban Israeli web surfers, citing similar reasons. One such website,, is a free storage provider for images and video files. Gordon, of, insists that the blanket regional ban on Israeli users was the correct course of action. “This is not a small amount of users, but a large number, that have ruined the enjoyment for everyone else,” he says.

Terms of use’s terms of use forbid the use of pornographic images, but Gordon says that out of 22,157 file uploads from Israel, 15,741 contained sexually explicit material. Over 3,500 uploads contained graphic scenes of violence, such as murder and accidents, while 27 file uploads infringed copyright laws. Gordon says 87 percent of Israeli users broke the site’s term of use. “We try to provide a free service to everyone,” he says. “But the violations of our terms of use are pornographic content that ties up a lot of space and content that violates copyright law and creates legal complications., another site providing free web storage, has also begun blocking potential users from Israel. Ynet was told that the ban was taken following “the especially high level of attempted fraudulent use from
your area.”

Call to Action: Free Child Detainees in Marda

On the night of August 2nd, Israeli army jeeps invaded the village of Marda. Soldiers forcibly entered village homes and seized about 15 teenage boys, claiming that they were looking for someone who had thrown stones at the road earlier in the day. Parents reported that their children were at home sleeping or doing homework at the time of the arrests. The boys were kept
blindfolded and handcuffed at the village entrance for several hours as soldiers interrogated them individually in the back of a jeep. Shouts were heard from the soldiers interrogating the boys.

Most of the youths were released late that night, but four young boys were removed from the village and are still in custody. Parents have not been allowed to speak to their children and do not know where they are being held or when they will be released. The boys still in custody are Nabhan (14), Amir (14), Asad (15), and Aymad (13).

The latest arrests follow a pattern of army harassment and intimidation in Marda. The village is losing much of its land to Wall construction around the Ariel settlement, and the residents’ non-violent protests have been met with tear gas, gunfire, curfews and night incursions. In July, five youths who confronted soldiers at the Wall construction site were arrested and sentenced to three to four months in Israeli prisons.

The army’s tactics – the surprise nighttime invasion, the arrest and blindfolding of children, and the refusal to give parents information about the boys’ whereabouts – seem designed to terrorize the villagers and punish them for resisting the illegal seizure of their land.

Please exert pressure on the Israeli government to free the boys, reunite them with their families and drop all charges against them.

For more information, contact Abdelbasset Shunnar (059-936-7878), Nasfat
Khofash (059-984-1006), or IWPS (09-2516-644)
To exert pressure contact:

Israeli DCL Qalqilya/Salfit
From abroad : 972-9-775-9219
Locally : 09-775-9219 ; 09-792-2359

Qedumim Military Prison
From abroad : 972-9-775-9333
Locally: 09-775-9333

Army spokesperson
From abroad : 972-3-608-0340/1
Locally: 03-608-0340/1

Ophir Pines – Minister of Internal Affairs

From abroad:  972-2-675-3754
                              -2-649-6171 (Fax)
Locally: 02-675-3754/ 02-675-3953
              02-649-6171 (Fax)

International Women's Peace Service (IWPS)
Hares, Salfit
Telephone: 09 251 66 44


Police have stood down following an incident on a bus in central London. Streets around the area of Grays Inn Road were sealed off after reports that smoke was seen coming from a bus and that a suspect package had been found..
(photo scene of the bus)

A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "We had reports of smoke coming from a double decker bus on Gray's Inn Road. "Everyone panicked, but it was only a small fire and no one was hurt."

Police sources said later that there was nothing suspicious about the fire.(TRY STARTING A FIRE ON A LONDON BUS THEN !!!)

A Transport for London spokesman said: "The incident involved a 205 bus close to King's Cross. Buses in the area have been delayed."
(Vice President Cheney's office has specifically told the Pentagon that the military should be prepared for an attack on Iran in the immediate aftermath of "another 9-11." That's "not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States," notes Geraldi's article. The statement was then distributed widely over the internet as a number of political observers have issued "world wide" warning statements," declaring Cheney's order to be interpreted as "sounding the bell for World War III.""The recent bombings in London have provided Tony Blair with his own "Reichstag fire" incident, and the full resources of the
British "liberal imperial" faction can now be expected to weigh in behind the brutish Cheney circles in Washington, said La Rouche. "The most compelling evidence of this "Guns of August" plan in
discussions I've had with colleagues is the pattern of eyewitness reports of Dick Cheney's state of mind. Cheney is living out an American version of "Hitler in the bunker," lashing out at Republican Senators who have dared to resist his mad tirades, accusing anyone who fails to follow his orders—including senior members of the United States Senate—of being "traitors" and worse."

ALERT !!!!!!



The Black Women's Defense League Supports "The March For All Prisoners"Join us on August 13, 2005 in Washington, DC (Lafayette Park)

Too many Black women, today, are incarcerated in the US and given sentences
that are not equal to their alleged crime(s) 
In some cases, (too often) they are right out framed-up, provided inadequate
legal counsel and little to no general support.
Their children are often put into foster care or placed in some other type of
facility where the state can make more money off of them.
They are subjected to Inadequate health care, misuse of authority (guards
raping them/inmates), and insufficient training that will enable them to survive
realistically once released are just a few of the ongoing atrocities that our
women and girls are subjected to.
The Black Women's Defense League encourages Black women (and men),
nationwide, to stand up and help be the voices for some of these sisters.
Though the insane "prison industrialized complex system" affects us all, the
increase of the incarceration of Black women and young girls is unbelievable
and unacceptable, and folks must become more aware and pro-active.

Join us on August 13, 2005 in Washington, DC (Lafayette Park) as we join with
Sis. Roberta Franklin, Empress Chi, Pam Africa and many others.
Representation for Political Prisoners will also be there!

Also: Rally in support to free Frances Newton and Clemency for Sis. Assata
Buses will be leaving Philly (and the local Tri-State area), and other cities
to demonstrate and show support.
Families and Friends of incarcerated folks, activist, and human rights
advocates are encouraged to participate

For Philly information call 215-213-0078 for other information go to: 

Live 8 Concert the Wrong Approach to Africa's Problems

Barrett Kalellis
Tuesday, July , 2005

Whatever you may think of the performances, the statements expressed by the various artists and announcers in last weekend's Live 8 concert – 10 different concerts broadcast worldwide by some of the world's most well-known musical celebrities – amounted to a curious amalgam of feel-good sentiments leavened with a tincture of noblisse oblige.

The aim of the multimedia extravaganza was to raise awareness and also put pressure on world political leaders, meeting July 6 at the G-8 conference in Scotland, to relieve African poverty. Millions of persons were urged to sign an online petition demanding cancellation of Third World debt and double aid to these countries.

During the concert, event impresario Bob Geldof hectored his audience with sarcasm, "Eight people in a five-star hotel on a golf course are going to have to listen to us." Madonna, in between lewdly thrusting her pelvis at the audience and sprinkling the F-word around here and there, called for a "revolution to change the world." Sting ominously warned the G-8 leaders with newly found lyrics: "Every vow you break, every step you take, every single day, every word you say, every game you play ... we'll be watching you."

In spite of the incongruous posturing of multimillionaire rock and pop stars and lesser performers who simply savored the global platform for the publicity, a private charity such as this can raise millions of dollars for a worthy cause. Twenty years ago, Geldof organized the similar Live Aid concerts and reportedly raised $2 billion for African famine relief.

What is missing from this charity, however, is a clear understanding of the causes of the problem. Simply throwing more money at Africa – particularly at the government level – has never solved anything. What happened to the $2 billion from the Live Aid concerts? What happened to the other $25 billion given by other private and public largesse over the past decade? Why has total African GDP dropped 35 percent since the last Live Aid concert?

Africa continues to be mired in poverty, as well as economic debt and squalid social conditions and unrest. Dominated by state terrorism and wanton carnage, countless thousands of its people have been uprooted by wars and genocide and have been made refugees in their own countries. Economic stability and growth cannot take root where brutality, oppression and political tyranny rule.

Out of 54 African countries, fewer than 15 are democratic. Africa represents 70 percent of the world's AIDS cases, and over 12 million people have already died from it. In a country that has a tremendous wealth of mineral resources, including gold, diamonds and precious metals, corrupt African political leaders have garnered it for themselves and their supporters, and consigned ordinary Africans to poverty, misery and even starvation by sloganeering, brutal repression and arrant plunder.

In a new book, "Africa Unchained: A Blueprint for Africa's Future," economist George B.N. Aittey argues that there are really two Africas. The first is the traditional, indigenous Africa, the country of the peasant majority who produce the nation's agricultural and mineral wealth, and who struggle to survive among their splintered tribes and societies.

Modern Africa is the second, Aittey says. This is where "functionally-illiterate elites and parasitic minority groups have created a bizarre politico-economic monstrosity that admits of no rule of law, no accountability, no democracy of any form, and even no sanity."

In their respective countries, power-hungry ruling gangster elites have debauched all the institutions of government – the military, the civil service, police and the judiciary – through intimidation, graft and murder. Aittey documents how these crooks and scoundrels have used the instruments of the state to enrich themselves and impoverish everyone else.

Nigerian scholar Ikenna Anokwute adds: "Imagine John Gotti or Al Capone as President of the United States. Well, welcome to the reign of thieves and vagabonds, welcome to our Nigeria today, a gangster's paradise."

Among the political and economic reforms needed to get Africa on track, Aittey says that the current corruption can only be eliminated by the creation of a continent-wide, independent judiciary, military, press and political infrastructure, where free markets can flourish.

Simply pouring money into the current rat hole, like the money from Live 8, won't solve these systemic problems, let alone eliminate sub-Saharan poverty. All it will do is funnel money into corrupt pockets. After which the rich rock stars can shrug their shoulders, walk away and say, "We've done what we could, but it didn't work."

Barrett Kalellis is a Michigan-based columnist and writer whose articles appear regularly in various local and national print and online publications. He may be reached at