APRIL 2004

This lengthy text is of great interest to those who wish to know about the Arabic perspective. Written just before the present Gulf War, it elucidates many things.jocelyn braddell editor.

That is some of the news of the cities
which We relate to you.
Some of them are still standing,
while others are now just stubble.
We did not wrong them;
rather they wronged themselves.
The gods they called upon besides Allah
did not help them at all
when Allah's command came upon them.
They did nothing but increase their ruin.
Such is the iron grip of your Lord
when He seizes the cities which do wrong.
His grip is painful, violent.

Iraq is a Terrain

Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir As-Sufi

The outbreak of World War One and its causes have now been firmly laid at the door of the European monarchs and the monarchic system, and this at the very point at which we are fully aware that none of these monarchs had any control over events which were entirely in the hands of
weak and un-intelligent politicians and mentally retarded generals. World War Two, which ostensibly broke out to save Poland from German invasion, ended by awarding the country to its other invader, Russia. The rhetoric dished out to the ignorant masses declared that the war was against tyranny and dictatorship in the name of democracy. Thanks to the enormous contribution of Russia, which boasted the worst dictatorship in history, and had wiped out tens of millions of its own citizens in the name of socialism, Germany was defeated, half of Europe enslaved by the Russians, while the remaining western half descended into a dark age of strict socialist doctrine. Underneath the absurd political dialectic of Right and Left was being worked out a much deeper evolution utterly hidden from both the masses and the so-called intellectuals. Observant sociological observers might have noted, as a doctor might note a skin rash indicating an organic complaint, the steady proliferation and invasive presence of small Banks in all the streets and towns of Europe. By the end of the twentieth century it was being said even by the media-soaked masses that there was no longer a political discourse, let alone a working Right-Left political dialectic. By the end of the century the banking and market system had managed to throw off all the restraints of national government with its own new metaphysical discourse of market values and the disciplines required to fight inflation, while for popular consumption the world still lived in a political framework of nation states who were increasingly bound in supra-national political institutions like the UNO, the WHO, the UNRA, and so on. Religion had been basically abolished with the Pope shot into submission, ending up a broken man, sticking a paper with his forlorn request into a niche on the Weeping Wall of Jerusalem.

An indication of how impatient the new power oligarchy of the world was with the very democratic structures it had so carefully groomed into obedience, came with the US presidential election of the present incumbent. When the vote was manifestly unverifiable and illegal, far from calling a new ballot as logic and their principles demanded, the non-political but truly governing forces intervened. In the end the self-styled greatest democracy in the world had its leader appointed by the vote of the Chief Justice in the Supreme Court, himself an appointee of the new President's father. In the clear sea of these early days of his incumbency it could be seen that bi-cameral and bi-party politics was the tip of the iceberg while the heavy massed power of true governance lay under the water, determining the future movement of events.

It is now clear that power has passed from the state institutions of national government since they no longer control that wealth which is the true power which determines the fates of men in history. Once national sovereignty had been rendered helpless it followed that the many international institutions in turn were worthless and could indeed prove an interference with the authority that now ruled while submerged from view and protected by the careful clouds of media deception.

Given the long evolving nature of the under-system which has now taken precedence over the outmoded political world, it was thus inescapable that the new power system should be devoid of any element of either spontaneity or inner dynamics, but rather was a sophisticated reshaping of the political structuralism it had pushed aside. Indeed, it is probable that the very byzantine intricacy of the new world system of capitalism, for it is quite clear that is what it is, will prove itself historically unable to achieve its world dominance beyond the shortest of spells. It is a fatally flawed system because, while all its components are under the rules of logical method, its motor-force is utterly illogical and utterly unpredictable, I refer to the financial system and its mystical apparatus of macro- and micro-economics.

The oligarchy now dictating events is a three-headed monster comprising the media system, the commodities system, and the finance system, the last being the most ramshackle. The financial component represents a tottering and Gothic edifice with a web of interlinking corridors, running between banks, national banks, world banks, stock exchanges and futures markets. It must also be understood that this triad is torn with internal conflicts and ambitions. Media is haunted by lingering liberals and fantasy entertainment. Commodities barons fight among themselves for concessions as the ancient dukes of Europe fought for principalities. Most perilous for them is that they count among their members that military-industrial complex which President Eisenhower had warned would destroy their precious political democracy. The ruling force of the triad, finance, while it is the ultimate instrument of power over things, still is doomed to dysfunction and inevitable collapse. The finance system of its nature is not only a mathematical metaphysic which by its application can bankrupt countries and acquire almost limitless wealth, it is also, in the end of the day, a method applied by that small oligarchy of monstrously rich people, just over three hundred, who already own half the world's wealth. It must be understood that these people stand over and against all life on this planet and in their shameless greed must be recognised as mad. This is not to say that they are crazy, but rather that they are like Pirandello's character Henry IV. At the end of the play, when he commits his inevitable crime, his friends say that he was mad and did not know what he was doing. Henry IV replies, "You do not understand. I knew what I was doing. Only I could not stop myself. That is my madness!" It is not an accident that the names of these people are not revealed by the media or known to the masses, who are otherwise occupied. When the banker, Safra, was murdered in Monte Carlo in still unexplained circumstances, the veil over this small oligarchy was lifted for a moment. One of the ten richest men in the world - and no-one had ever heard of him. Former Presidents and Prime Ministers of Israel and film stars attended his funeral, and the Chief Rabbi of France was flown to the trial of the apparent murderer in the Safras' private jet to give special prayer for the victim. No-one knows the real story and the veil of anonymity has fallen again over the power elite.

Now this oligarchy have determined from two aspects that a military conquest of Iraq is necessary. The taking of Iraq will represent an enormous victory for the commodities wing of the oligarchy. It will also give the military-industrial complex an even more powerful world position. At the same time it would seem that it is a crisis move necessitated by the increasingly vulnerable position of the system's paper currency of choice, the US Dollar.

First one must be aware that the antagonist's identity is not, let it be repeated, not that once sovereign entity, the former rebel colony of Imperial Britain, the United States of America. Although the oligarchy operates and moves freely in its financial districts and in carefully guarded private estates across the country, where the mass of the people lives, fear and poverty-anxiety are the dominant emotions. Drugs, sexual licence, and a generation of dysfunctional children who shoot each other and their teachers - all this is the real State of the Union, added to which is a penitentiary population the size of the state of Israel. Second, it must be coolly noted that the media provided a motive and a mantra to justify the invasion in the most impressive way. Great slaughter requires simple motives. The Inquisition burned and tortured its way across Europe in the name of the doctrine of the Trinity. Now the oligarchy's media and spokesman have provided three words on which war must unfold. Weapons of Mass Destruction. With these three words the world has been numbed most successfully. Not only are these three words the terror of the world, but they are in the hands of what we are told is an Evil Man. So successful has this been that it is pointless to
recall that in our time the only use of the Weapons of Mass Destruction was by the USA dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bomb was conceived by a jew, Einstein, scientifically brought to fruition by a jew, Oppenheimer, and was dropped on the orders of a christian, and Harry Truman could not be called an Evil Man, indeed, he was a Nice Guy. Third, the prime cause, or the motivating cause, or at least the background of this proposed war has been the phenomenon called Terrorism. Since this Terrorism has been openly defined by high-ranking members of the current US administration as the affair of Islamic fundamentalism, it is very important before turning to the inevitable Iraqi war that this Thing should be more closely understood.

Since the current manifestation of Terrorism has already been given a deliberate and outline identity, and that identity has been filled in in detail with certain types who practice it, its ideology and its future menace, the matter requires clarification. While Terrorism does have a brief and ugly appearance in the history of the Muslims, not, let it be said, in the history of Islam, for it has no historical or spiritual means by which it can insinuate itself inside the Deen of Islam itself, first it is important that we understand it as a phenomenon of the modern capitalist state. What we find is that there is no aspect of the current wave of Terrorism that cannot be subsumed under its classical definition and manifestation inside the evolving capitalist state structure.

Classical Terrorism is a phenomenon that emerged, defined itself and promoted itself, quite successfully, it should be added, during the reign of the last three Czars of Russia. The Terrorist events, the Terrorist ethos, and the Terrorist community might have vanished into the indexes of books on pre-Revolutionary Russia were it not for the record and critique of two great Russian writers, Turgeniev and Dostoevsky. The former revealed the dichotomy between the low-life social outcasts and the high ideals they pretended they were going to bring into realisation by their acts. The latter writer, who knew this world more intimately, delved deeper. Dostoevsky recognised two aspects of Terrorism, the second of which is the startling and inescapable truth. Firstly he sketched with genius the life of the modern Terrorists. Certain characteristics emerge. They mostly acted either alone or within a small cell command structure. For example, one of his provincial Terrorists, on finally meeting a colleague, excitedly whispers to him, "We are not the only ones - are we?" He also grasped that the fulfilling of the Terrorist act and not the higher cause was what motivated those who were prepared to carry out such bloody deeds. He also saw that its worst acts were its first acts and that as a social event its personnel scattered and its incidents diminished. This is borne out by the modern sequence: the spectacular destruction of two skyscrapers, killing thousands, the bombing of a night-club, killing hundreds, and finally the semi-idiot with dynamite in his shoe. However, it is the second insight of Dostoevsky, with all the profundity of his religious genius, that has to be understood. What Dostoevsky saw - and do not forget that he wanted the end of the autocracy as much if not more than the Terrorists - was a contradiction so profound that it brought him face to face with nihilism. That nihilism was the inevitable condition of men under capitalism. What Dostoevsky discovered was that the Terrorist, far from being in a dialectical opposition to state tyranny, was itself the necessary product of the tyrannising state to absolutise its tyranny through the instigation, propagation and then persecution of a Terrorist class. To grasp the full nature of the end-game from which there is no political emergence, it must be fully understood. He did not declare that the Terrorists were an invention, a conspiracy theory turned into a conspiracy practice which was then used further to oppress the masses. What he demonstrated was that the capitalist state had reached such a nadir point, such a devaluation of all values, that people began to break off from all the human loyalties and linkages. Then, as it were, these iron filings scraped from the iron mass of society, in turning against it within a frame that broke all the rules of life, then provided a survival dynamic for the iron state. Two polarities, two magnets, fell upon these iron filings, holding them in suspense between them so that these magnets both flung the particles back into the iron mass of the modern state. So it is that in the working out of the Terrorist phase of a capitalist society, Terrorism and all its acts and personnel are nothing but the obedient and hypnotised servants of that very state whose demise they so dementedly have declared they would achieve.

This allows us to say, and it must be re-said, that Terrorism is certainly not the secret product of the capitalist state, and yet it is not a war on the capitalist state. It is not outside it, because it is in it, and because it uses its currency, its weapons, and its methods. It is indistinguishable in historical reality from the punishing state it insists it stands over and against. As a result of this analysis we are forced to recognise that the current Terrorism still lies within the classical definition of Dostoevsky. Now what must be considered is the historical situation which has led to the fixing of the adjective
Islamic to the classical term.

At the time of Salahuddin an extremist shi'a sect which traced their false imamate back to Isma'il, having failed to convince the Muslims of their fantastical doctrines, began a powerful movement of Terrorism, ostensibly to impose them. The whole movement took place in Lebanon and part of what is now Palestine. They threatened the Khalif's life and they terrorised christian leaders as well. They were controlled from a mountain castle and their leader became known as the Old Man of the
Mountains. As well as burnings and ransoms, hit-teams were sent out over the Muslim world. Their assassins, when killed in turn, were given martyrs' burials in special cemeteries which were in turn used as centres of meditation for future assassins to steel themselves to the task. The funerals of their killer heroes were the key events of the Isma'ilis' social life. Isma'ilism worked on a dialectic: once the terror method had reached its climax and failed, as it inevitably did, they swung to an opposite method of persuasion, telling the Muslims that the real secret was that they did not need to fast or pray, and that all religions were one esoterically. Not only the Islamic community but also the orthodox shi'a considered the Isma'ili to be zindiq and outside Islam. It is very clear from this that the current suicide movement among the Palestinians derives directly from the Isma'ili heresy. They too have special martyrs' corners and exalt the suicide killers. At their important funerals they do not call the Shahada of Islam, which is the norm, but rather shout only 'Allahu Akbar!' This first form of what is wrongly called Islamic Terrorism strangely enough connects to the second form of those Terrorists mistakenly called Islamic. Strangely, because they are to be found in the Arabia of the Saudi regime who have never lifted a finger to help the tragically victimised Palestinians. This main branch of Terrorism is without question the product of the anti-Islamic regime of the Churchill-created monarchy of the Ibn Saud family. Wahhabism is a product of the Najdi tribe of the Saud family which began in open rebellion against the Islamic Khalif to whom they had previously sworn allegiance. Saud was captured by the Muslim forces of the Egyptian ruler and sent to Istanbul where he was tried not as a rebel but as a zindiq, and as such was beheaded without the right of a preceding Salat. Wahhabism claimed to defend the Uniqueness of God while at the same time opposing the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. This hatred of the Messenger, tribal in origin, also extended to all the Awliya of Allah and by extension to the Sufic movements which were the spiritual life-force of the Islamic community. The wahhabi movement is the official political face of the false monarchy set up by the British. As the new oligarchy emerged, the commodity moguls took over the running of the Peninsula. The first biography of Ibn Abdalwahhab was commissioned by the American oil company ARAMCO. On the face of it the oligarchy saw the puritanism and unpleasantness of wahhabism as the ideal means to smother Islam on a world level. They set up an intelligence agency called Rabita, the function of which was to track and record every mosque in the world, all Islamic teaching and every Muslim teacher. Their king founded a university outside the precincts of the blessed city of Madinah, called Madinah University. Madinah University was to the anti-Islamic movement what Wittenberg was to Luther's anti-catholic movement. The wahhabis' puritan monotheist missionary work, the one which guaranteed the kuffar there would be no Jihad, the Tablighi Jamaat, was encouraged by the European and American countries to spread everywhere. As the Saud family became more corrupted with wealth and the people more impoverished under their doctrines, the anti-Islamic wahhabi movement's passivity turned sour and moved into a militant phase with the decadent monarchy helpless to prevent it. So, Madinah University became the factory for producing fundamentalist activists crazed with the fantasy that they were restoring the religion to its primal purity, and their missionary movement became a source of recruitment from among its wandering fanatics.

In this way, piece by piece, clusters of radicals began to buzz and form together, fermenting with an enthusiastic anti-zionism which never once was capable of recognising that the issue in Palestine was not land but money. The real leader of this new Terrorism was not in fact the ludicrous and pathetic figure Bin Laden, but rather the Muslim Brotherhood's dinosauric leader Shaykh Qardawi who not only did not understand the role of the finance elite, but did not know what a credit card was. Bin Laden presents an archetypal model of the Dostoevskian Terrorist, one of a family which had acquired its wealth under the Saudi regime, his profile is that of a fractured and fatherless existence looking for a chance to demonstrate the manliness he does not have, a kind of Arabic Tony Blair. The idea that he could be the leader of a genuine Islamic movement is totally absurd. He is known to be utterly without any Islamic education - even if he had wanted he could not have found that in Arabia - and devoid of any type of character formation either from a Sufi organisation or even from the Harvard School of Business Management. As one goes into the details of his role and activities, those insoluble ambiguities which were referred to earlier begin to emerge not in a disturbing pattern but in sets of matching contradictions. Somewhere along the line he picked up the fundaments of wahhabism. Rootless and fermenting, he found himself in Afghanistan. Before or after he became a CIA operative. At a certain stage, quite fabulous sums of money are reputed to have been used by him for Terrorist acts. We still have no accounting of the Laden family wealth, the Terrorist expenditure, and the personal wallet of our criminal. The figures seem to stop with the credibility limit of each narrative. The Taliban regime itself seemed strangely helpless about his place among them. When we warned them before witnesses that if they did not hand him over he would bring about the destruction of their country, they muttered about his being a guest, but with little conviction. When it was suggested that a guest who might bring destruction upon the house of the host ought to leave, they had no answer. We suggested he be repatriated to Arabia, which remained strangely untouched by his activities.

Certainly, the Terrorist ethos worked its frenzy on Muslim 'ulema in the region who should have known better. There are a web of unaccounted and misunderstood events which are all connected in the Afghan-Pakistan area, the most important of which has to be identified as the synchronicity of the Bin Laden guerrilla adventures, the Taliban regime, and the now clearly US-orchestrated coup d'état by the shameless kemalist rebel Musharaf and his qadiani family. The Terrorist network's one spectacular coup is in turn surrounded by doubts and contradictions. Did the hijackers think it was a classical hijack and that they would land somewhere, not knowing that the order was to go on automatic pilot and that the guiding-in of the planes, otherwise inexplicably exact, was brought into target from the very basement of the towers? None of this is known. Equally, none of it is clear of doubt. Two things emerged as the shocked nation put together the evidence. One, almost all the hijackers were products of wahhabism and Arabia. Two, their behaviour had nothing to do with their accused identity as Islamic zealots. Men who thought they were fighting in the way of Allah and whose reward was the Jannah would scarcely have spent their last nights with prostitutes drinking vodka sours. As others accused of being gang members were arrested, the low-life, low intelligence of these characters could not be avoided. The English Muslim with Semtex in his shoe was a pathetic semi-idiot. It could not be that people of this calibre were holding the world to ransom. There is no doubt that the actions of the Terrorists have enormously strengthened the forward evolution of capitalist world domination, so it is that willingly and unwillingly they are their obedient servants. It is equally certain that they are not and cannot be Islamic Terrorists, since they are leaderless, an anonymous riff-raff with no known adherence to anything that is historical Islam. Islam is the last Divine religion and it is luminous and it cannot be defeated, least of all by people whose actions can never be attributed to it and cannot even be attributed to themselves, as they are but a handful of lost victims in that wasteland which is the final stage of kufr which may be called capitalism.
* * * * *

In the light of the foregoing it is now possible to look at the matter of Iraq. Iraq is a terrain. The great plain of Mesopotamia through which flow the Euphrates and the Tigris is divided in two parts. The north was the ancient kingdom of Assyria. The south was the ancient Babylonia. The Arab Muslims named the north Al-Jazirah, the Island, and the south Al-Iraq, the cliff or shore. They also called the alluvial plane As-Sawad, the Black Ground, as it seeped oil.

The Muslims took the territory just a hundred years after the Hijra. Under the 'Umayyad Khalifate Kufah and Basra were its twin cities. The Abbasids founded Baghdad as their capital. After Harun Ar-Rashid the seat of Khalifate was removed to Samarra. For the rule of seven Khalifs Baghdad remained a provincial city. In 217 (892 AD) it was restored as capital. In 656 (1258 AD) the Abbasid rule fell to the invasion of the great Mongols.

Basra had a turbulent existence. Near it, in 36 (656 AD), Sayyiduna Ali fought the Battle of the Camel, in which Talha and Zubayr were killed. In 257 (871 AD) the great rebellion of Zanj took place. The anti-Abbasid forces burned down the Great Mosque and plundered the city for three days. Around 1336 AD the Mongols embraced Islam, and in 1393 AD Timur took Baghdad from Sultan Ahmad Jalayir. On Timur's orders all the city's wine which the Arabs had been drinking was thrown into the river. One may not hope for such a purification again. One of the most significant events of the Province in its Osmanli phase was that Mosul was declared a waqf by the great Sultan Abdulhamid II, may Allah be pleased with him, on his recognition that the area had become oil-producing. The creation of Iraq as a nation was a completely new concept introduced by the christian conquerors of World War One. Two separate provinces of the Osmanli were chopped together by the great kafir leader Winston Churchill.

19 December, 1940. A director of the Jewish National Fund, Yossef Weitz, affirmed that in order to create the jewish state, "There was no other means than to displace the Arabs in the neighbouring states, all the Arabs." 

31 May, 1941 The British ended their offensive against the nationalist Iraqi government of Rashid Ali Al-Gaylani, who then set about organising a guerrilla resistance.

22 March, 1945 In Cairo Iraq joined the Arab League, or the United States of Arabia as it was at one point to be called. In this, King Faruq presented a threat as it was clear that this Albanian wanted restoration of the Khalifate and so in himself represented a non-racist Osmanli tradition.

16 October, 1946 The British puppet Nouri Said becomes Prime Minister. He had previously fled before Gaylani's forces in 1941.

15 May, 1948 Along with the Arab League states, Iraq declares war on Israel.

15 July, 1958 Nouri Said flees Baghdad disguised as a woman. He is caught, and his body is torn to pieces in a revolutionary fervour by the Arab mob singing the Marseillaise. General Abdalkarim Kassem declares a Republic. King Faisal assassinated.

19 July, 1961 With the ever-increasing dominance of the commodities oligarchy, Kuwait is appointed as an independent country despite Iraq's insistence that it was part of its national territory.

17 July, 1968 Baath Party take power in Iraq. Its two leaders, Ahmad Hassan Al-Bakr and Saddam Hussein, are joined in Baghdad by the Party's christian founder, Michel Aflak. He had founded the party on the principle of Arab nationalism and in the name of socialism. He saw its
role as defenders of secular pan-arabism against Europe.

The dominant factor in the current situation in Iraq is not the immediate intention of the oligarchy to occupy these strategic and wealthy lands, but is the in-back factor which brought Iraq into being in the first place as a nation-state. It was the Arab intoxication with kufr. It was the Arab yearning for the myth of nationhood. It was the Muslim Brotherhood's rush down the lizard's hole of modernity. As British Imperialism collapsed before US-based world finance, the Arab peoples with an abandon verging on the obscene flung aside their Islamic heritage, their Islamic knowledge, and most tragically their Islamic governance.

At the first Mongol entry into Baghdad the people collapsed in terror. A Mongol soldier flung one Arab to the ground and then found he had left his sword behind. Lifting his boot from the man's neck, he ordered him to remain there on the ground until he returned. To the Mongol's disgust, the man still lay trembling on the earth when he returned to him. Without compunction he cut off his head. This was the state of the Arabs at the time of the liberating Mongol invasion. As you can see from the time-chart above, in the shortest span the invading kafir force had entered Islam. Not only that, but it was from the Mongol capital of Samarkand and their great cities of Bukhara and Tirmidh that was to come Islamic renewal.

Today, the whole Gulf region is a festering bed of advanced capitalism, moral ignorance and extreme poverty alongside an excessively rich elite who only dream of sending their sons to the capitals of kufr. The betrayal and hypocrisy that Arab leaders hold in relation to Islam can scarcely be exaggerated. For example, I had initiated a series over several years of large and seriously researched conferences on the fiqh of the school of Madinah. It should be said that it is from the researches and papers of these conferences that our European Muslim communities were able to expose the stunning deceptions that were being made in the name of Islam by the Arabs' enthusiastic support of 'Islamic banking' and the banking system in its entirety which implied the abolition of Islam. The Chief Qadi of the UAE, Shaykh Al-Mubarak, expressed his desire to host our next conference. We gathered leading 'ulema from all over the world, including the great Sultan of this knowledge, the Tunisian scholar Shaykh Shadhili An-Nayfar. On the second day of the conference, the ruler of the UAE, having only the day before made public declaration that he intended to rule by Islamic Shari'a, ordered these great 'ulema to be silent, and then handed over the
conference to a series of delegates who had been flown in from Baghdad. The conference was turned into a propaganda instrument calling on the Muslims to use all their might to defend Saddam Hussein and Iraq against the evil Iranian enemy. One of these sinister figures openly declared that they did not need arms, since the USA and Britain had supplied them with all the necessary weapons for the destruction of the Iranian military. The next chapter of this sorry comedy was that the same ruler in turn handed over his country and his air force to participate in the destruction of the Iraqi regime called the Gulf War. Now, over a decade later, the Arab national leaders are fluttering together wondering how they can save Saddam's regime, because, despite their natural frivolity, they recognise that they will be next. The secular tyranny of Saddam's anti-Islamic Iraq which came to power in a blood-bath of Islamic scholars is the natural ally of the secular anti-Islamic Arab states. Now, the most anti-Islamic force in the world is not in Washington, nor in Tel Aviv, it is in Riyadh. "From there," said the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, "will come shaytan!" And he pointed to Najd, the province of the criminal family of Saud. Once in Baghdad, the USA, with its pretended claim to be an outraged nation defending itself against the unpredictable forces of anarchic Terrorism, will have no choice but to enter Arabia, take over Najd, close down Madinah University and confiscate the files of Rabita.

We are witnessing the punishment of Allah on the Arab nations for not being part of one Muslim nation without racial character. Allah, glory be to Him, declared in the Surat Hud:

That is some of the news of the cities
which We relate to you.
Some of them are still standing,
while others are now just stubble.
We did not wrong them;
rather they wronged themselves.
The gods they called upon besides Allah
did not help them at all
when Allah's command came upon them.
They did nothing but increase their ruin.
Such is the iron grip of your Lord
when He seizes the cities which do wrong.
His grip is painful, violent.

We are witnessing the power and the majesty of Allah. In one event He will both call the Arab peoples to turn from misguidance to true guidance and to withdraw from the use of haram paper-money and haram financial institutions which have been cursed by Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, in the famous ayat denouncing usury, while at the same time He will enmesh the kafir forces so utterly weak by character and education, despite their great
technical power, in the Muslim lands until in the end they will have no choice but to submit to Allah and make the Deen entirely theirs. Since Allah brought the proud and manly hordes of the Moghul leader into Islam, and turned his sons into the great Islamic Moghul Emperors, surely the morally bankrupt, sexually uncertain American forces will find themselves in the end with no hope of rescue but at the Door or Islam. 

In the end, too, the Arab peoples will turn from kufr, usury, nationalism and terror, to return to their merciful Lord in Tawba. In this great matter praise belongs to Allah and there is no victor except